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In this area seven microfacies in the Chuangde Fm. red beds can be separated. They are: 1 reddish foraminifera grainstone; 2 reddish microfossils packstone/wackestone; 3 reddish marlstone with microfossils; 4 reddish marlstone; 5 red to variegated floatstone ; 6 reddish shales; 7 reddish radiolarite/ radiolarian chert.In the Yamudok Cuo area, it can be distinguished six microfacies in the redbeds including 1 reddish foraminifera grainstone; 2 reddish microfossils marlstone; 3 reddish shales; 4 yellow-grayish floatstone ; 5 reddish radiolarian chert; 6 reddish chert with radiolaria. The depositional environment of the Chuangde formation can be interpreted from sediments composition, as is deep oceanic basin adjacent to continental slope/rise. The slope/rise setting is indicated by the occurrence of olistoliths and slumped pelagic/hemipelagic limestone, present near the top of the Chuangde Fm.

进一步资料对比研究表明,全球上白垩统海相红层具有以下特征:a上白垩统红层出现在北大西洋、阿尔卑斯、喀尔巴阡、土耳其,向东一直到特提斯喜马拉雅地区和澳大利亚西北角的Exmouth海底高原,横贯整个特提斯和北大西洋;b沉积环境以外陆棚-斜坡和盆地为主,在斜坡环境下多发育有浊流沉积,如Scaglia Rossa和Nietrental组;c有机碳含量普遍很低,0~0.3%之间;d盆地相仅发育红色泥质岩,而斜坡和远洋环境下不仅发育红色页岩,同时还有红色泥灰岩、红色灰岩和红色硅质岩;e北大西洋和地中海地区在Cenomanian-Turonian界线黑色页岩之后不久的Turonian早期就出现红色沉积,而藏南出现在Santonian早期,Exmouth出现在Campanian早期,红层出现似乎有"西早东晚"的趋势。

This is a raw image taken by the Cassini spacecraft during its close fly-by of Saturn's moon Iapetus, Sept.


He was instrumental in the building of a Portland team that qualified for the 1990 and 1992 NBA Finals, which included the likes of Clyde Drexler, Buck Williams, Jerome Kersey, and former Kings' Assistant Coach Terry Porter.


The Independent, Simon Rushworth: The incident which ultimately decided a predictably hard-fought game between two familiar cup foes was a clear case of foul play as the Newcastle midfielder Nicky Butt crudely halted Arjen Robben's run on goal.


Hoping to reestablish Alexander's empire, Seleucus captured Demetrius (285) and defeated Lysimachus (281), another of Alexander's former generals who had become a satrap in Asia Minor.


They also held Harma, Eilesium, and Erythrae; and they had Eleon, Hyle, and Peteon; Ocalea and the strong fortress of Medeon; Copae, Eutresis, and Thisbe the haunt of doves; Coronea, and the pastures of Haliartus; Plataea and Glisas; the fortress of Thebes the less; holy Onchestus with its famous grove of Neptune; Arne rich in vineyards; Midea, sacred Nisa, and Anthedon upon the sea.


Pawns Joseph at the beginning of the month, during the period of Warsaw duplicates each other in the disease , he goes to Warsaw to have contracted for three concerts right away in person , command to perform Beethovenian "Fate symphony ", weber , Rossini's opera prelude, and dance music of Strauss clan.


In terms of structural characteristics and geochemistry of the granites in conjunction with previous studies, we interpret that the garnet-bearing gneissic granite was formed during the collision between the Tianshuihai terrane and the Southern Kunlun terrane following the closure of a branch of the paleo-Tethyan ocean along the Mazha-Kangxiwa suture zone, the block hornblende-bearing granite was formed during post-orogenic extension. On the other hand, the granites of ca.

根据两个岩体的构造特征,结合前人的研究及地球化学特征,表明含石榴子石片麻状花岗岩形成于同碰撞造山时期,是甜水海地体与西昆仑南带晚古生代岛弧沿麻扎-康西瓦缝合带碰撞峰期的产物,代表了沿麻扎-康西瓦分布的古特提斯洋一个分支的闭合,而228 Ma块状含角闪石花岗岩形成于碰撞造山后的伸展背景。220~190 Ma持续发育的花岗岩是南昆仑地体拼合到北昆仑地体之后在其南部形成的新的深成岩浆弧带。

The two Epistles to the Thessalonians are included among the canonical books accepted by the Councils of the Vatican, of Trent, and of Florence, and are among the homologoumena of all early lists of canonical New-Testament Scriptures; for instance, to mention only such early lists as accord with the received canon of Trent, these two Epistles are listed in the Muratorian Fragment (AD 195-205), in the canons of St.

双方的撒罗书信中有规范的图书接受安理会的梵蒂冈的特伦特和佛罗伦萨,并在所有早期homologoumena名单规范新旧约圣经,例如,只提及诸如早期名单符合收到佳能的遄达,这两个书信中列出穆拉多利片段(公元195-205 ),在大炮的圣亚他那修亚历山大(公元373 ),第三次理事会迦太基(公元397 ),其中参加了圣奥古斯丁,圣埃皮法尼乌斯(公元403 ),我的清白(公元405 ),和格拉西(公元492 )。

In this area seven microfacies in the Chuangde Fm. red beds can be separated. They are: 1 reddish foraminifera grainstone; 2 reddish microfossils packstone/wackestone; 3 reddish marlstone with microfossils; 4 reddish marlstone; 5 red to variegated floatstone ; 6 reddish shales; 7 reddish radiolarite/ radiolarian chert.In the Yamudok Cuo area, it can be distinguished six microfacies in the redbeds including 1 reddish foraminifera grainstone; 2 reddish microfossils marlstone; 3 reddish shales; 4 yellow-grayish floatstone ; 5 reddish radiolarian chert; 6 reddish chert with radiolaria. The depositional environment of the Chuangde formation can be interpreted from sediments composition, as is deep oceanic basin adjacent to continental slope/rise. The slope/rise setting is indicated by the occurrence of olistoliths and slumped pelagic/hemipelagic limestone, present near the top of the Chuangde Fm.

进一步资料对比研究表明,全球上白垩统海相红层具有以下特征:a上白垩统红层出现在北大西洋、阿尔卑斯、喀尔巴阡、土耳其,向东一直到特提斯喜马拉雅地区和澳大利亚西北角的Exmouth海底高原,横贯整个特提斯和北大西洋;b沉积环境以外陆棚-斜坡和盆地为主,在斜坡环境下多发育有浊流沉积,如Scaglia Rossa和Nietrental组;c有机碳含量普遍很低,0~0.3%之间;d盆地相仅发育红色泥质岩,而斜坡和远洋环境下不仅发育红色页岩,同时还有红色泥灰岩、红色灰岩和红色硅质岩;e北大西洋和地中海地区在Cenomanian-Turonian界线黑色页岩之后不久的Turonian早期就出现红色沉积,而藏南出现在Santonian早期,Exmouth出现在Campanian早期,红层出现似乎有&西早东晚&的趋势。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
