英语人>网络例句>文质彬彬 相关的搜索结果


与 文质彬彬 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Precisely at that point it vanished-----and I was looking at an elegant young roughneck, a year or two over thirty, whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd.


I met a professor of Suave MM: I would like to ask, How can I go to university?

遇见一位文质彬彬的教授。 MM:请问,我怎样才能到大学去?

We caned the urbane Dane in the last football match, and eating too much sugar-cane was the bane of his life.


Fine gentlemen smiled at her benevolently as they talked with Martin and one another; a type-writer clicked; signatures were affixed to an imposing document; her own landlord was there, too, and affixed his signature; and when all was over and she was outside on the sidewalk, her landlord spoke to her, saying,"Well, Maria, you won't have to pay me no seven dollars and a half this month."


The urbane Dane was crazy , and he drove his car in the overtaking lane.


The urbane Dane doesn't like the mundane life and mundane books.


His urbanity made it easy to forget his early career as a revolutionary .


This paper mainly includes two parts The first part falls into three main sections. First, it analyses the formative causes of the Chinese traditional house interior display art through five aspects, including the structure and forms of Chinese traditional architecture, the productive mode of Chinese traditional society, Chinese traditional philosophy, the idea of ethics and grading and custom of Chinese traditional society. Second, it briefly introduces the history of Chinese traditional house interior display art's development. Finally, it focuses on the analysis of Chinese traditional house interior display art's design ideas and concludes that its design ideas embodies the five sides as follows: respect for nature and imitate artfully nature, practical-oriented and function incorporated into form, images of space of what the theory and practice forms, balanced natural pattern of the display, artifacts with the thoughts and respect for poetic imagery. Another part of the article further researches on the application of Chinese traditional house interior display ideas to the contemporary home display, and leads to the author's view, that is that each era should has its own character when it inherits the traditional culture. What's more, the contemporary Chinese-style home display design not only have to take over the spirit of the tradition but also have to give full consideration of the contemporary aesthetic concepts, principles and methods. In the 21st century, humanistic care is greatly proponed in the interior design. The interior display art should develop towards the ecological, personalized and comfortable direction and the cultural dimensions. It should absorb the traditional cultural elements to decorate contemporary living space. In order to upgrade the simple and primary "appearance likeness" to a higher level of "spirit likeness", it must effectively grasp the poetic imagery of space, which can reach the artistic effect of "both appearance and spirits".


Just as the foreman of a spinning-mill settles the work-people in their places, walks up and down the works, and noting any stoppage or unusual creaking or too loud a whir in the spindles, goes up hurriedly, slackens the machinery and sets it going properly, so Anna Pavlovna, walking about her drawing-room, went up to any circle that was pausing or too loud in conversation and by a single word or change of position set the conversational machine going again in its regular, decorous way.


Tom is exceedingly polite, yet there is something vaguely threatening about him that obviously unnerves Slughorn.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
