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与 文艺复兴 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Masaccio自己无法亲见文艺复兴的繁荣展开,但是All the most celebrated sculptors and painters since Masaccio's day have become excellent and illustrious by studying their art in this chapel.

亲眼看到那个著名的The Expulsion of Adam and Eve,不由得你不为亚当和夏娃觉得可耻——这样生动的绘画,在那个年代,确实是划时代的革命了。

L Bouyer, Christian Humanism; Q Breen, John Calvin: A Study in French Humanism; H Kung, On Being a Christian; J Maritain, True Humanism; JI Packer, Knowing Man; G Toffanin, History of Humanism; C Trinkaus, In Our Image and Likeness; W Bouwsma, The Interpretation of Renaissance Humanism.

L Bouyer ,基督教人文精神; Q布林,约翰卡尔文:一个研究法国人; H西贡,被一个基督教; J旦,真正的人文精神;季封,知民; G Toffanin ,历史人文;特林,在我们的图像和肖像; W Bouwsma ,解读文艺复兴时期的人文精神。

Linked to this was anti-monarchical thinking, represented in the famous early Renaissance fresco cycle Allegory of Good and Bad Government in Siena by Ambrogio Lorenzetti (painted 1338–1340) whose strong message is about the virtues of fairness, justice, republicanism and good administration.


Linked to this was anti-monarchical thinking, represented in the famous early Renaissance fresco cycle Allegory of Good and Bad Government in Siena by Ambrogio Lorenzetti (painted 1338–1340) whose strong message is about the virtues of fairness, justice, republicanism and good administration.

改译文:与此相关的,是壁画《好政府与坏政府的讽喻》(Allegory of Good and Bad Government)所表达出的反君主制思想;这幅著名的早期文艺复兴壁画位于锡耶纳,由安布罗焦·洛伦采蒂绘于1338年至1340年;他通过这幅画传达出了对公平、公正、共和及优秀政府的强烈渴盼。

A leading Renaissance humanist and statesman, Lord Chancellor of England.


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The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


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