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与 文艺复兴 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"A decline set in after the 13th century, when stained-glass artist s began to seek the realistic effects sought by Renaissance painters, effects to which the technique was less suited and which diverted artist s from exploiting the all-important light-refracting quality of glass."


"A decline set in after the 13th century, when stain ed-glass artists began to seek the realistic effects sought by Renaissance painters, effects to which the technique was less suited and which diverted artists from exploiting the all-important light-refracting quality of glass."


Italian Renaissance gardens often include parterres, barcos, orchards, loggias, vineyards, terraces, pergolas, grottoes, fountains, sculpture, patterned hardscapes, and glimpses of the "borrowed" view.


The comprehensive repertoire of the Choir extends from Renaissance motets and madrigals to Romantic choral works, both sacred and secular, and twentieth-century compositions.


Not to consider here anything except the Christian architecture of Europe, that younger sister of the great masonries of the Orient, it appears to the eyes as an immense formation divided into three well-defined zones, which are superposed,the one upon the other: the Romanesque zone*, the Gothic zone, the zone of the Renaissance, which we would gladly call the Greco-Roman zone .


From the medle ages sculpture,we can see that people in that period take human sculptures merely as a decorative part of an achetecture;The Rassanance make people regained their natural inner strength,and people express their admiration to the heros,using the pose of human sculpture. The great master Rodin reach the peak in making the full use of human pose,as a way of artistic expression. While doing so. he turned the the development of sculpture into a new track-the way of expression itself. From then on,in the hands of some mordern sculptors,human pose and the distinctive personal expression ways of each sculptor and the matiral.


Principal liturgical forms which endured throughout the entire Renaissance period were masses and motets, with some other developments towards the end, especially as composeres of sacred music began to adopt secular forms for their own designs.


The magical mystery religion of ancient Egypt, being the oldest civilisation one had any knowledge of, exercised a great fascination over the Renaissance men.


Meanwhile Ottoman Turkish was attacking Byzantine Empire from all sides, lots of Byzantine scholars migrated to Italy in order to seek military help from Latin West for Byzantine Empire. Using their abundant attainments of classical culture, they participated in the movement of reviving ancient Greek culture in Italy, and had promoted the development of the Renaissance of Italy forcefully.


"In the 16th century, the grafting of Renaissance elements onto the Perpendicular style resulted in the Tudor style."


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
