英语人>网络例句>文艺复兴 相关的搜索结果


与 文艺复兴 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally, the author points out that many people in the European Renaissance thought that rhetoric and society were pretty much the same thing.


For instance, your most recent bunkering at Renaissance Club is far more subdued.


The Renaissance art is the apogee in Italian paintings that inspires, attracts, coaxes and cajoles the senses beyond your imagination.

文艺复兴时期的艺术是远地点在意大利绘画激励,吸引, coaxes和cajoles感官超出你的想象。

The Renaissance art is the apogee in Italian paintings that inspires , attracts , coaxes and cajoles the senses beyond your imagination .


A singer specializing in chansons is known as a "chanteur"; a collection of chansons, especially from the late Middle Ages and Renaissance , is also known as a chansonnier .

专业歌手歌谣被称为&chanteur&集合的歌谣,特别是从中世纪晚期和文艺复兴时期,也称为1 chansonnier

Among the many remarkable final projects that have been proposed and presented at the end of the course have been a Renaissance hourglass blown in the MIT glass shop and set into a frame turned on our set shop lathe; a four harness loom built by a student who then wove cloth on it; a number of chain mail tunics and coifs; a wide variety of costume and furniture pieces and electrified period lighting fixtures.


The Crusades also resulted in renewing people's interest in learning and invention.


It was until the late eighteenth century that the disentangled from those of technique and skill so far as to establish a distinction between the fine arts and the useful arts.


The intricate business of forcing his offspring into the charmed circle of royalty-by-birth, the negotiations with Charles for example over recognition of the new duchies, runs like a subtle poison through what was, despite the very evident Renaissance worldliness of this great pope, the leading policy of his reign, the calling of this council that would reform the life of the Church and heal the divisions in Germany.

在年底前,教宗成功,让他在采邑的duchies的帕尔马和皮亚琴察,瓜分了该国的教会,以及结科里纳的儿子-奥塔维奥-一个亲生女儿的查尔斯诉错综复杂的业务,迫使其到后代的排他性小圈子版税,由出生,谈判与查尔斯例如超过认同新duchies ,每年举办像一个微妙的毒药,通过什么,虽然很明显,文艺复兴时期的世俗这个伟大的教宗,领导的政策,他的统治,要求本局将改革教会生活及治愈师在德国。

In brief, the Renaissance in emancipates the mind, especially has the epoch-making significance to person's liberation, it founded the capitalism beginning, has laid the foundation for the later ideological liberation movement and the bourgeois revolution, may say that it is in a human history of civilization great transformation, is breaks off greatly with the middle ages.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
