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与 文艺复兴 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This tuning also matches standard vihuela tuning and is often employed in classical guitar transcriptions of music written for those instruments.


There is a rich collection of various crafts, including the glamorous vitraux, exquisite wood sculptures and stone sculpture crafts, to make the magnificence and solemnity of the cathedral stand out and to present the architectural style and splendor of the Renaissance.


Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man shows clearly the effect writers of Antiquity had on Renaissance thinkers.

概述 从莱昂纳多·达·芬奇的画作《维特鲁威人》中,很容易看出古罗马作家对文艺复兴时期思想家的影响。

As it invariably happens, history and memory can prove helpful: Leonardo's Vitruvian man is "the measure of all things", while the Renaissance man expands the static point of view of the project anticipating the crucial theme of individual well-being (as Leon Battista Alberti put it in his De re aedificatoria ,"In the choice of the environment it is best to mind that it is welcome by its inhabitants from every point of view").


"Since the early Renaissance, European painters have used trompe l'oeil to create false frames from which the contents of still lifes or portrait s seemed to spill and to paint windowlike images that appeared to be actual openings in a wall or ceiling."


Since the early Renaissance, European painters have used trompe l'oeil to create false frames from which the contents of still lifes or portraits seemed to spill and to paint windowlike images that appeared to be actual openings in a wall or ceiling.


"Since the early Renaissance, European painters have used trompe l'oeil to create false frames from which the contents of still lifes or portraits seem ed to spill and to paint windowlike images that appeared to be actual openings in a wall or ceiling."


Furthermore, the replacement of Latin by the national languages can not be simply accounted to that it is " a dead language ", as Alberti avers to legitimize his own national language.

摘 要:本文分析胡适经常用来作为中国文学革命的有力旁证的&欧洲各国国语史&,只是他误读厄迪丝·薛谢儿《文艺复兴》一书所获得的伪证,而文学革命的实际进程也与胡适根据他所臆想的&欧洲各国国语史&的进程完全不同,它主要是国家权力主导并推行的一场语文革命,以图在全国建立北方官话的独尊地位。

He was a child of the Renaissance.


Count Muffat had bought the house ready furnished and full of hosts of beautiful objects--lovely Eastern hangings, old credences, huge chairs of the Louis XIII epoch.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
