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与 文艺复兴 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The modernness or antiquity of an action has nothing to do with its fitness for poetical representation.


Europe then emerged from religious and monarchic conflict in the Middle Ages while the Renaissance gradually took shape.


With Caccini's abilities as a singer, instrumentalist, and composer added to the mix of intellects and talents, the Camerata developed the concept of monody —an emotionally affective solo vocal line, accompanied by relatively simple chordal harmony on one or more instruments—which was a revolutionary departure from the polyphonic practice of the late Renaissance.

作为一名歌手,乐器卡奇尼的能力,和作曲家增加了智力和人才结构,在萨尔斯堡发展了 monody 概念,情绪情感的独唱歌手的,相对简单的一个或多个文书,这是一个弦和谐的陪同下革命背离了文艺复兴晚期和弦的做法。

Indeed, between the forms of the leaf-covered monopode first encountered, and this monstrous leg, we recall iconic scenes of flight, common amongst grand Renaissance tableaux, one particularly good example being exemplified in Michelangelo's Last Judgement by the bottom right-hand section, which is known as the Boat of Charon—a fitting allusion because Charon was the boatman who delivered the damned into the mouth of hell from which they were presumably anxious to escape, hence the animated energy brought to their flight.


The great achievements generally ascribed to him are the further development of the recitative , later introduced by Monteverdi, and of infinite importance in the history of dramatic music; the further development of the chamber - cantata , by which Carissimi superseded the concertato madrigals which had themselves replaced the madrigals of the late Renaissance ; and the development of the oratorio , of which he was the first significant composer.

一般归因于他的伟大成就,是在宣叙调,后来介绍了威尔第和无限的重要性,在戏剧音乐史,该商会的进一步发展-大合唱,其中卡里西米取代了 concertato madrigals 了自己的进一步发展取代已故文艺复兴的madrigals,以及清唱剧,其中他是第一个重要的作曲家的发展。

The first chapter discusses the origin of poly-choral style, including historical background on the tradition of psalms singing. The second chapter focuses on Renaissance time at Venice, and discusses the politics, artistic, glass craft, mosaic art synopsis at that time. The third chapter discusses poly-choral music of Venetian school in the early times of 16th century, and main composers of Venetian school including: Andrian Willaert, Andrea Gabrieli, Giovanni Gabrieli, and Claudio Monteverdi in early time of Baroque period. The fourth chapter discusses poly-choral works, the effects of the acoustics "stereo sound", questions of chorus establishment, textures, and questions of annotation and questions when conducting these pieces based on the discussion and summary from the previous three chapter.


Other important milestones in the Early Music Revival included the 1933 founding of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel , Switzerland by Paul Sacher -together with distinguished musicians including the pioneering specialist in early vocal music Max Meili , who contributed to the extensive L'Anthologie Sonore series of early music recordings and recorded Renaissance lute songs for HMV -and the 1937 presentation and recording of some of Monteverdi's Madrigals by Nadia Boulanger in France.

早期音乐复兴中的里程碑包括: 1933年,保罗-撒切尔在瑞士的巴塞尔成立了柏森音乐学院;出现了一批杰出的音乐家,如早期声乐方面的顶级专家迈克斯-梅尔(录制了 L'Anthologie Sonore 系列早期音乐唱片,为HMV录制了文艺复兴时期的鲁特琴歌曲)和1937年在法国表演与录制了蒙特威尔第的牧歌的纳迪亚-勃朗格。阿诺德-多尔梅奇注:法国出生的英国音乐家和演奏家。师从H。维厄唐(1820~1881学习小提琴后移居英国,开始收集、修理并学着演奏古乐器。他仿制了多把诗琴、击弦键琴、拨弦键琴、竖笛等乐器,最后他和他的妻子、孩子一起表演和传播早期音乐。

We do not propose that classical education return us to the glories of Greece , the grandeur of Rome , the scholasticism of the Middle Ages, the artistry of the Renaissance, or even the moralism of Victorian England.


He is handsome with wild oats and world-weariness and is living in scene of debauchery, but this doesn't influence his most works during his short life at all. He not only takes in early renaissance drawer Botticelli's accessorized lines and morbidezza female tinge, but also gets the inspiration(replanting the lateral nose to the frontal portraiture) from cubism, introjects the exaggeration way of ancient African woodcutting and brings the Pre-Raphaelite melancholy temperament into play fully so that forms his own extraordinary style from inspiration based on representation. Particularly, his special representation for female nude is noticeable.


In the age of Renaissance, science, society and culture provided great impetus for music. Secular chorus such as Italian madrigal and French chanson exhibited strong spirit of humanity. Religious chorus like church polyphony, Mass and Motet flourished into the zenith of chorus of no accompaniment. During the Baroque period, chorus entered a completely new era of growth.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
