英语人>网络例句>整数的 相关的搜索结果


与 整数的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After analyze few existing compression algorithm for high-resolution remote sensing, we provides a new compression algorithm based on Integer to integer wavelet transform, and introductive the design scheme for it.


Then a filled function method for the integer programming problem is proposed,which tries to find a better discrete local minimal solution of the problem by minimizing a filled function.


At present, our main result in this direction is that we have proved the topological charge of instantons in degenerate noncommutative spacetime to be an integer, i.e., to be exactly its instanton number, using ADHM construction; by the way, we have discussed the realization of conformal symmetry of the ordinaty instanton solutions on the instanton moduli space and obtained some primary result, again using ADHM construction.


In 1997, Lenhard Ng Michelle Schultz[1] gave the definition of k -ordered Hamilton graphs,namely, let G be a Hamiltonian graph of order n,and for a positive integer k with k ≤n, we say that G is k -ordered if for every sequence S : v1 , v2,Λ,vk of k distinct vertices, there exists a hamiltonian cycle C of G such that the vertices of S are encountered on C in the specified order.

年, Lenhard Ng Michelle Schultz[1]给出k-可序( k ?ordered)哈密尔顿图的定义,即设G是n阶哈密尔顿图,对于正整数k,称G 是k -可序图,如果对于任意给定的k 个互不相同的顶点的有序子集S =( v1 ,v2,Λvk)( 2≤k ≤n),存在G中的哈密尔顿圈C 包含S 且不改变其中元素的顺序。2000 年,R.J。

By constructing a job-schedule network that can present job-time relationship,the FJSP is transformed to a network flow problem,and a 0-1 integer programming mathematical model is developed.


Secondly, the power system fault diagnosis analytic model which use both protect andswitch action information is proposed in this paper, it can be described as 0-1 integerprogramming with nonrestraint, reshut break is introused in the analytic model and introducethe contribution factor to the protect, this model solve the fault diagnosis problem in which theprotect information is lack in a certain extent, and present the experienced formular which isused to decide all kinds of protect contribution factor.

然后,提出同时利用保护和断路器动作信息的电力系统故障诊断的解析模型,其可以描述为一个无约束 0-1 整数规划问题,将重合闸引入故障诊断的解析模型并且对保护引入贡献因子,给出确定各种保护贡献因子的经验公式。这种模型在一定程度上解决了数据信息不完整时的电力系统故障诊断问题。

It is pos ible to solve some particular types of integral linear programming problems by virtue of LCS-orientated algorithm or microprocessor.


Characterizing plant phototropism, the algorithm looks the feasible region of integer programming as plant growth environment, and determines the growth probability on different growth points according to the changes of the object function.


The division with surplus, the comprehensive division and Eisenstein Test applications on polynomial that can not be divided are mainly discussed; the sufficient condition of that polynomial with coefficient being integer has no integer root, that cubic polynomial with coefficient being integer is irreducible in rational domain and that polynomial with coefficient being integer has not two completely same roots are summed up.


In chapter 1, one type of maximal subgroups in symplectic groups overpolynomial rings are obtained. Let F be a field, R = F be a ring of polynomial in one variable over F, m be a positive integer, f eF and S be the ideal of R generated by -f, We define:, then G is a maximalsubgroups of Sp(2m,R).


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
