英语人>网络例句>整数的 相关的搜索结果


与 整数的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Research shows that the action integral of periodic orbit has a simple linear relation with the energy of system, we could semiclassically quantize the system using the nearnest integer of the periodic orbits' action integral.


In additive prime number theory,a classical result of Hua states that,every suffi-ciently large odd number N can be represented as 〓,where 〓 is aninteger and 〓 are primes,which can be regarded as an extension of Goldbach-Vinogradov Theorem.


The characteristic of fractional order differential equation iscontaining the non-integer order derivative. It can effectively describe the memory andtransmissibility of many kinds of material, and plays an increasingly important role inengineering, physics, finance, hydrology and other fields.


Bit 6 of the E/S register, called PF, is set if the number of data bits sent by the 1-Wire master is not an integer multiple of 8 or if the data in the scratchpad is not valid due to a loss of power.

位的E / S寄存器6,被称为酚醛,是集如果由1 - Wire主机发送的数据比特数不是整数倍数8或如果在暂存器中的数据是无效的原因是失去权力。

Convert Base 10 Integers to Binary, Octa - Convert Base 10 Integers to Binary, Octal And Hex


Future versions of Python may add types to the type hierarchy (e.g., rational numbers, efficiently stored arrays of integers, etc.), although such additions will often be provided via the standard library instead.


Future versions of Python may add types to the typehierarchy (e.g., rational numbers, efficiently stored arrays of integers, etc.),although such additions will often be provided via the standard library instead.


Choosing such ratio allowed us to achieve a "magnetic spin wave resonant mode" between elements of a working body of the device since the circumferences also maintained the same integer ratio.


As to the higher Landau levels, we conducted systematically calculations for the various possible ground states, such as the Laughlin liquid, the composite fermion liquid, the Wigner crystal, and the charge density wave . We find that when the Landau level index N≥2, the fractional quantum Hall states are ruled out and the CDW and Wigner crystal dominate. An exception occurs at around v=4+1/6, where the composite fermion liquid may be more energetically preferable than the CDW and the Wigner crystal states. This result provides a new explanation to the so-called re-entrant integral quantum Hall effect. In fact, the feature of isotropically metallic property at this filling is discerned from the experiment.


At present, the dominating new standards used for HDTV video compression are H.264/AVC and AVS, both of them adopt block-based integer transform, quantisation and block-based motion compesation, which will be the source of blocking artifacts and will reduce the subjective video quality and compression performace.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
