英语人>网络例句>整数的 相关的搜索结果


与 整数的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the rule that all the coordinate value of the basic vector is integral in coordinate plane, an algorithm for approaching the reference vector in coordinate plane was drawn out, which is easy to be realized by arithmetic and rounding operation.


This test method is called integer-variation test, and it is based on the statistical distribution of the fractional part of a random variable multiplied by an appropriate integer.


This paper analyses the PKI theory architecture detailedly, combining with researching the information security status quo and the wireless communication systems. On this condition, we put forward the feasible WPKI system, CA sub-system and RA sub-system logical frame diagram and network structure blue print. The technical criterions in the system and core content of WPKI, includes the certificate management(certificate requirement, certificate issue, certificate revocation, certificate query and so on), are discussed at length. In the end, the systems function and performance are tested.


This paper describes the Atkin's elliptic curves primality proving algorithm and discusses all implementation details of this algorithm. Finally it gives the implemention of this algorithm by software and exhibits an example explicitly. This algorithm is implemented with software and this software is used to test some general large integers and acquire a good testing result.


Three schemes of blind signature are proposed based on the conic curve s over the residue class ring Zn.

基于环Zn上的圆锥曲线密码体制,提出了3种盲签名方案;方案的安全性基于大整数的分解困难性和求解环Zn 圆锥曲线上的离散对数问题的困难性。

Recently more than 10 years, a new fractal geometry, the space is not necessarily integral dimension, and the existence of a fractal dimension, which is a breakthrough in geometry, a mathematician and natural sciences were aroused great concern.


The object of this paper is to derive a general formula to evaluate the sum of the series wherein N may be any positive integer.


In this paper obtains the conclusion by the discrete property of integer: If a, b∈Z+, also a≤b, b-a=d, then d is one of 0,1,…,b-1 in these b integers; Theorem: a | b also a | c to abitrary x,y∈Z, has a | to promote to more sums; By promotes the cancellation from additivity of coresidual; By the prime number is the infinite inferential reasoning continual divisible number also is infinite.

论文中由整数的离散性得到结论:若a,b∈Z+,且a≤b,b-a=d,则d为0,1,,b-1这b个数中的一个;将定理:a | b 且 a | c 对任意的x,y∈Z,有a |推广到更多项的和;由同余的相加性推出相减性;由素数的个数是无限的推导出连续合数的个数也是无限的。

The Ti-ion was replaced 100% by Fe、Nb on the octahedra B sites in the SrTiO_3, and the mole percentage of Fe、Nb were changed to be in accordance with the components of A_nB_nO_(3n-1) and A_mB_mO_(3m+2) series of the perovskite that n、m are integer.


Call a set of integers fat if each of its elements is at least as large as its cardinality.


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