英语人>网络例句>整数的 相关的搜索结果


与 整数的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to algebraic number theory,all solutions of Pocklington equation in a ring of integers of a quadratic imaginary field are determined,which implies that the equation has only several solutions in the ring.


In the paper we generalize the while-rule in Hoare calculus to an infinite one and then present a sufficient condition much weaker than the expressiveness for Cook'2 relative completeness theorem with respect to our new axiomatic system.


150 Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 3.2 Boolean Algebra Table 3-2 Distributivity Idempotency Absorption laws 分配律同一律吸收律 a=ab+ac a+= a+a=a aa=a a+ab=a a=a'=a'b''=a'+b' DeMorgan's laws德摩根定理计算机专业英语 1-151 Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 3.2 Boolean Algebra Since a finite set of n elements has exactly 2n subsets, and it can be shown that the finite Boolean algebras are precisely the finite set algebras, each finite Boolean algebra consists of exactly 2n elements for some integer n.


In fact, we can allow patterns of the form , where is an integral vector, so that the direction of the step is determined by forming an integral combination of the columns of B. The special cases


Based on the difference, the ISIs collected from the injured dorsal root ganglion neurons discharge are analyzed. The results suggest that there are some nonlinear deterministic factors in the integer multiple fire of injured dorsal root ganglion neurons.

从这种差别出发,分析了实验中整数倍放电的ISI 序列,得到该ISI 序列是可非线性预报的,这表明大鼠损伤背根节神经元自发放电中的整数倍放电更可能是由确定性机制所产生的

Given the same number of bits, unsigned integers usually represent twice the number of absolute values representable by signed integers.


This thesis analyzes different cases where the sampling rate ratio is integer, rational, and irrational, in which the emphases is the integer case.


After analyzing Tian and Alattar algorithm, a novel lossless information hiding method based on integer linear transform was proposed. The near character of pixels could be analyzed. After the less distorted revisable vector was transformed by integer linear transform, hidden information was embedded by pair-check modulation.


Intel has developed a set of recommended algorithms for performing floating-point division, floating-point square root, integer division, and integer remainder operations on the Intel Itanium architecture.

Intel为在Intel Itanium 体系结构上执行浮点运算的除,浮点运算的求平方根,整数除法,整数取余操作浮点运算的而开发了一套推荐的算法。

Divide, Square Root, and Remainder Algor - Intel has developed a set of recommended algorithms for performing floating-point division, floating-point square root, integer division, and integer remainder operations on the Intel Itanium architecture.

Intel为在Intel Itanium 体系结构上执行浮点运算的除,浮点运算的求平方根,整数除法,整数取余操作浮点运算的而开发了一套推荐的算法。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
