英语人>网络例句>整合 相关的搜索结果


与 整合 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the poet's choice, mainly be decided by two standards, one is the popularity and influences of works; two is the meaning of the creations development that it create for the whole colony. Owing to above two standards, the writer chooses seven writers to launch the treatise, they are Jidi Maja, Jimu Langge, Luwu Laqi, Ma Deqing, Aku Wuwu , Asu Yuer, Eni-Mushashijia. In discussing the process, the writer used the nationality and Poetics of the poem as the latent clues, emphasized to inquiry into three main roads and three main realms. On the article structure, the full text mainly is divided into two parts, one is the concrete imago analysis to each poet creations, two is upon the analytical foundation the integration of the theories, with this the treatise could be united into an organic whole. In regard to the conclusion, we educe the characteristics of the colony is deep consciousness to the nation culture, also extensive exploration and attention to poetics. The blemish is the inside emotion and sensibility is similar or duplicate and that the creation pattern is narrow. The main develop threads of the colony are upon the female clan culture the diverse poem skill investigation, its nation culture value tropism present the rising spiral type of return- leave- return again.


This study is based on Dickey-Fuller and Augmented Dickey-Fuller two unit root test methods and Johansen's cointegration test method to examines the relationship between sales figure of DIAGEO Taiwan and macro economic indicators in order to forecast sales trend for whisky category. The three major variables are:(1) Consumer price index,(2) Single malt whisky sales figure, and (3) Blended whisky sales figure, and intend to understand the interaction between the three major variables.

本研究以Dickey-Fuller及Augmented Dickey-Fuller两种单根检定方法,检定帝亚吉欧台湾分公司的销售报表数字是否具有单根,藉以判定总体经济指标与其销售数字能否利用VAR模式及Johansen共整合检定,检定两者之共整合关系,以期达成预测之目的,而研究的主要变数为:消费者物价指数;单一麦芽威士忌的销售数字;及调和式威士忌的销售数字等三变数,并试图去了解上述变项间相互的影响。

Based upon such new reading, I argue that the true end of Mill's "the best regime"—the participation and integration of citizens—would be better appreciated.


Through the analysis of the current system, it has been proposed that the network system of library consists of three sub - networks. Four integration solutions are provided to network systems for borrowing over muti - campus. Network architectures and their characters are expounded.


And unconformity surfaces and faults-unconformity surfaces are oil-gas far -distance lateral migration and controlling"young source in old reservoir" type reservoir forming in the exploration strata of pre-Tertiary buried hill type.


The editorialists conclude that the major challenge moving forward is that urologists, oncologists, pathologists, and general scientists integrate their scientific interests and work together in large, collaborative, prospective studies to answer questions such as these.


To be in bad position leaves economic environment, be like a state of 3 quarters profit quite beautiful, if domestic CEO Sun Jian explains, newspaper of the money before this once appeared deficit, because,basically be to before the conformity of the public house of 7 bottles of stars that buys, exchange loss and the early days that open a hotel newly are run wait for an element, and finish already basically to the conformity of hotel of 7 bottles of stars now, and hotel of the new-blown before this also has been on the right path to begin profit, performance of newspaper of 3 quarters money is natural and so good.


This text develops the tool and dialog box DCL languages to carry on the simple introduction to the AutoCAD two times, integrated the process to carry on the detailed introduction to the Visual Lisp and dialog box DCL language, and make use of the whole process that the Visual Lisp integrates with the dialog box DCL language the realization manufacture parabola, carrying on the detailed analysis to the concrete step, putting forward the basic design way of thinking, the end give make use of the living solid example of severals of the parabola.

本文对AutoCAD的二次开发工具和对话框DCL语言进行了简单的介绍,对 Visual Lisp与对话框DCL语言整合过程进行了详细的介绍,并利用Visual Lisp与对话框DCL语言整合实现制作抛物线的全过程,对具体的步骤进行了详尽的分析,提出了基本的设计思路,最后给出了利用抛物线的几个生活实例。

In this paper,Coal resources in the integration should focus on technology and management or personnel of integration ,Optimization of technological transformation program,Improved power supply systems.


To improve the accuracy of cabin crew scheduling, we present a new solution model that integrates the crew pairing problem and the crew rostering problem into one stage, conducts the scheduling by leg, and searches for the global optimal solution. Referring to the objectives and constraints of Taiwan's airline business, we decide the levels of parameters via the design of experiment and then apply the genetic algorithm to solve the concerned problems.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
