英语人>网络例句>整合 相关的搜索结果


与 整合 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this study, the author wants to make a pectination about the existing situation in order to find the universality of current projects of information resource integration. The author gives a framework of information resources integration on this basis.


Main points are: perceptibility of information display in vibrating environment; rule of device layout in condition of integrated task and nonintegrated task; rule of multi-device and mono-device layout and the newest rule of ecological human-machine interface design.

摘 要 介绍了人机界面上信息显示的最新研究成果,包括振动环境中信息显示的可知觉性研究;针对整合任务和非整合任务仪表布置规则的研究;仪表混合布置和单一布置规则的研究以及最新的生态人机界面设计原则的研究。

The possible mechanism of phycocyanin in the proliferation inhibition of K562 cells is to increase the expression of FAK gene. The phcocyanin may be considered as a potential agent for inhibition of cancer cell proliferation.


The expression level of integrin β1 on the surface of K562 cells was evaluated by flow cytometry; the growth of K562 cells treated with phycocyanin was measured by MTT assay; the expression level of FAK mRNA was analyzed by relatively quantitative RT-PCR after four-day culture of K562 cells with phycocyanin of 40 μg/ml,80 μg/ml and 160 μg/ml,respectively.

本 研究观察不同浓度藻蓝蛋白对K562细胞增殖的影响,并检测藻蓝蛋白处理后细胞表面整合蛋白β1表达和胞内黏着斑激酶基因表达的变化,探讨整合蛋白β1在藻蓝蛋白抑制K562细胞增殖中的可能作用机制。

Chapter 5 is the pivot of the study, and it is the specific application of the CIN.


Using panel unit root test, this paper studied the convergence of regional relative price level and the degree of domestic market integration, and analyzed the factors that affect presidial market integration.


An IT shop can quickly assemble an application from prewritten components rather than writing the entire application fromscratch.


Chapter 3 offers an exposition of Conceptual Integration Theory, four prototypical networks and an exemplary application.


The paper discusses the reason of disintegrate in Developing Area, and then point out the strategy and method to integrate the Developing Area each other and with the mother city, the traditional industrial space, the city edge era and the satellite town.


This new platform, considering the relationship among teaching, learning and managing, solving the conflict of resources share and intelligence prosperity, adopting latest theory on learning and mature technology, has more advantages than the existing platform. Firstly, it integrates the advantages of Internet and Satellite communication system and achieves the seamless connection. Secondly, it adopts the coding technology of streaming media with MEPG-4, which makes it possible that the on-line instruction, the schedular broadcast instruction and the distributed course ware on demand can be broadcast on the two networks. Thirdly, it considers the problems of security, user certification and the protection of intelligence property. Fourthly, it is possible to link education resources from all united university, and is able to share resources for lifelong learning individuals or group.

此次清华大学远程教育播出平台的改造,本着现有平台与未来需求相结合;最新的学习理论与成熟的信息技术相结合;资源传输与对学生的学习支持相结合;教育资源开放与知识产权保护相结合的设计理念,综合考虑了远程教育环境中教、学、管三方面的需求和关系,因而具有多方面的优势:新平台整合了互联网和卫星网各自的优势,在技术上实现了天网与地网的无缝连接;新平台对传输的教育节目采用 MPEG-4编码方式进行流媒体播出,在传输上实现了基于两种网络的实时课堂直播、录播和基于互联网的分布式课件点播的多种需求;新平台集资源加密、用户认证和授权等功能于一体,可有效地保护远程教育中的知识产权;新平台将各联盟学校的教育资源进行整合后重新提供给学习的个体或团体,较好地实现了资源共享。

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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
