英语人>网络例句>整化 相关的搜索结果


与 整化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The four-colour print or six-color; support the ICC International standards; have a gradient adjustment curve; meet the alignment of the work; have any adjustable color adjustment tools; you can output PDF, TIFF, EPS, PS formats documents; automatic workflow; support AppleTalk, the Spool Folder, the TCP/IP network printing; supports multiple task parallel works; you can make to look into the anterior membership card in order to avoid the error occurred.

四色或六色打印;撑持ICC不国外尺量;拥有阶调调不整弧线;满意线形化处事;拥有不小肆可调的色彩调量东西;可以输入PDF,TIFF,PS,EPS等方法的文件;达成残自不静化处事历程;撑持AppleTalk,Spool Folder,TCP/IP网络打印;撑持众职分并行处事不圆式;可以在打会员卡制息后预视,以制止不对爆发。

On the basis of the analysis of the scores, the author makes conclusions about the characteristics of Schubert"s last three piano sonatas as followings: 1 The device of universal development in the movements composed in sonata form and rondo-sonata form is the most distinctive feature in the last three sonatas, which is also decisive in the trend of the whole movement and makes the developments relatively "still". 2 In the device of themes, the method of irregularity is preferred. However, By using extension, abbreviation, repetition and further repetition of periods, Schubert brings those themes to ingenious balance in both architectonics and aesthetics. 3 Chain method is applied in the connection of themes, in which the previous material is taken as basis and then modified together with the variations of new materials. By this way, the theme is continuously developed. 4 The principle of the dominant-subordinate is followed in Schubert"s three-key exposition, and the process of each key is extended.

本文在详尽分析乐谱的基础上,对最后三首奏鸣曲的主要创作特点进行了以下总结: 1、奏鸣曲式和奏鸣回旋曲式乐章中展开的普遍化是最后三首奏鸣曲最为显著的特点,它决定了整个乐章的走向,并使展开部具有相对"静止"的特点; 2、舒伯特的主题写作中更喜欢运用非方整性写法,并通过自身材料的延长、缩减和重复或者更高一级的段落重复使其达到了结构上和审美上的巧妙平衡; 3、舒伯特喜欢用链式的主题贯穿方式,音乐以之前的材料为依据,经过变化后再加入新的材料,用这种方式不间断地发展; 4、舒伯特的三调呈示部遵循从主到属的总体原则,并扩展了调性历程。

There is usually a 3rd -key added in the opening of the second theme, and sometimes a new theme is composed. Then, the subordinate key is reached before the end of exposition. 5 Silence of one whole bar is frequently utilized, which not only brings profound expressive significance, but also is important to the architectonics of these sonatas. 6 The harmonization in the variation, which is the method of applying different keys to the same melody, is handled in those Andante movements. By this way, the same melody appears in variable colors of harmony, which can not only avoid dull repetition, but also keep the lyrical nature and the completeness of melody. 7 Chromatic method is applied in the periods of development, and chromatic深层线条becomes the provident feature in some periods of development. 8 Atlas motive is put to use in c minor and A major sonatas, and a lot of "sigh" tones and c sharp minor are both preferred in those three sonatas. 9 The emotional factor of "wanderer" is the roots of thoughts for the intense conflict of music.

他通常在副部的开始加入一个三度的调性,有时再加入一个新主题,最后在呈示部结束之前到达属调; 5、较多地运用整小节的休止,使其不仅具有深刻的表情意义,而且在结构乐曲中起到了不可或缺的作用; 6、舒伯特在慢板乐章中运用同一旋律异调配置的和声变奏方式来构成音乐的段落,使同一个旋律在不同的和声色彩里闪现,既避免了单调的重复,又保持了旋律的抒情性和完整性; 7、展开的段落中习惯运用半音化的发展手法,半音阶式的深层线条成为某些展开段落的显著特点; 8、c小调和A大调奏鸣曲中都运用了"阿特拉斯"动机,三首奏鸣曲中运用了大量叹息的音调,并倾向于~#c小调的运用; 9、"流浪者"的情感因素是音乐强烈冲突的深刻思想根源。

Cases of 16 have lumbar sacralization. 10 cases are attributed to lumbarization. Most of this cases have backleg pain more or less.


The main results were showed as follows:Through screen and identification of morphology in M_2 and M_3, respectively, the mutants with mutative traits of plant were found. In which, 11 mutations were leaf variations, including light-green leaf, deep-green leaf, durative yellowish leaf, temporary yellowish leaf, inlaid yellowish leaf, wrinkly leaf, smooth-edged curly leaf, splitting-shaped curly leaf, peduncular-shaped leaf, round leaf and larger leaf, 12 were mutations on plant type, including excessive branches, lacking branches, highness, dwarf-like, erect posture, reclinate posture, strong stalk, slender stalk, tufty branches, wrinkled plant, purple stalk and hair-covered plant, 14 were flower variations, including dense flowers, light-yellow petals, white petals, white-mosaic petals, wrinkled petales, back-rolled petals, narrow petals, larger petals, smaller petals, apetalous flowers, variable-numbered petals, fertile pistil protraction, sterile pistil protraction and multi-anther, and 5 were physiologic mutants, including genic male sterile, cytoplasmic male sterile, bud-dead, and early and later bloom.


Hidden Image is an image contains one or more embedded figures The hidden figure merges into typically a busy image such that it does not standout and remains unnoticeable for a while It takes the viewer to focus or some targeted effort to detect the hidden figure and might requires some hint to be able to do so In this paper we provide the technological processes to create the hidden image which normal Texture Synthesis can't be done; According to quantization of background and figure we manage to recolor the quantized color of figure through Luminance Labeling Processing which is base on relationship between background and figure we also manage to remove some parts assigned by user to make our result more natural but can still recognize the figure Finally we present the result using the Texture Processing We believe the proposed system can provide a user-friendly tool to create their own Hidden Image

Hidden Image,中文称为画中有画的艺术;在表现手法上是一们相当新颖且前卫的艺术,其表现风格多种;一般来说,常见手法是将一个或是多个物体以不同型态的方式巧妙的融合在背景当中,观察者在远方观赏整幅画时,并不会觉得特别突兀,而当视觉集中到某一个焦点上时,透过大脑重新组织之后,其隐藏的物体将渐渐浮现出来。本篇论文主要是提供一个完整的流程;根据luminance space区块化后,透过物体本身区块的相互关系,或是物体与背景的相互关系进行Luminance Labeling,并经由Erosion Processing将物体做适当的破坏,最后以贴图方式给予视觉化呈现。相信透过这样的流程,我们将赋予一般普罗大众一套机制去创造出属於自己的Hidden Image。

The steps of the method including boiling whole, slices or pieces of the raw edible product for a time sufficient to partially cook the starch and soften the tissue of the edible product; comminuting the cooked product; and drying the comminuted product.


Summarize: XGN15-12 is a new metal-enclosed switchgear which whole air-insulated is assembly composed with SF6 loading switch as the main switch ,suitable for auto-electric-power distribution , both compacted and extensible metal-enclosed switch equipments.


A constant expression is any expression that involves only integral literal constants, enumerators ( Section 2.7, p. 62), or const objects of integral type that are themselves initialized from constant expressions.

此常量表达式只能包含整型字面值常量、枚举常量(第 2.7 节)或者用常量表达式初始化的整型 const 对象。

An integral constant expression can involve only literals (2.13), enumerators, const variables or static data members of integral or enumeration types initialized with constant expressions (8.5), non-type template parameters of integral or enumeration types, and sizeof expressions.

整型常量表达式只能带有字面值(2.13),枚举值,常变量,或是以常量表达式初始化(8.5)的整型或枚举类型的静态数据成员,整型或枚举类型的非类型模板参数,以及 sizeof 表达式。

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