英语人>网络例句>整体感 相关的搜索结果


与 整体感 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Use the five-element 汤池/ odorum / Yin - Yang and gold / fire / soil water which propagates complementary principles, namely, to join the platycodon, cassiae, dioscoreae, miltiorrhiza, a smooth, liandu and demethyltetrandrine soup, a number of different respectively to human lungs, liver, kidney, heart, spleen has a very good curative effect and health effects.

天体浴 它是花都温泉源于自然的一个主题区域——天体浴。采用男女分浴,中间用篱笆相隔,&只闻其声不见其人&,水雾弥漫里更平添朦胧飘渺之感,让人恍如梦中。自高而下的水瀑布平分两区,体现了男女平等。在这里您可以忘却世俗观念,尽情的融入温泉、融入自然,让所有的世间琐事抛之脑后,整体突出返璞归真、天人合一。也充分体现了花都温泉&水之灵,花之魂,物我交融、天人合一&的自然、生态、休闲之&健康养生观&。

As a Iwagumi layout, I think this layout has not attained the perfection, but as a concave composition layout, using stemmed plants, the composition and total balance was excellent among the applicant in this year's contest, Especially colour and way of overlapping thicket of Rotala nanjean in the background in interesting, and despite of only single species thicket, they gave the layout perspective.


Everything was greenish and grainy, and the unretouched prints looked more like the lake-bed with a flurry of stirred-up sand.


It is worth to pay a special attention to the wooden buttons used in this collection, the decorative wooden triangles are specially designed and produced to echo the theme. The cutting is simple and fluency, and full of the feeling of outstretching.


These whole foods will keep you satisfied much longer than that box of apple juice, so you'll eat less overall.


Each production company are in accordance with the characteristics of character for the production of human engineering concepts to design a sense of the whole and the power first, based out raw materials, precision manufacturing, quality control combined with layers of highly Jing Zheng marketing programs and marketing network, the formation of unique quality and thoughtful after-sales service system, as a maker of office furniture to provide our full attention to detail, efficient service, and accompanied by "tailored" service to customers quality products, the customers trust and support.


Tops feature detailing such as traditional Shuzhou Women's hand embroidery and beading to bring a crafted element to the collection.


When Galliano escaped the sweet Vermeer palette and moved into ivory, as he did with a slim dress implanted with raw-edged georgette rosettes and embroidered with silver leaves, or with an ingenue off-the-shoulder fifties dance dress banded with black bows, it all seemed simpler, fresher, less stilted.


The overall level, a very thin notebook keyboard, is often installed with the following notebook memory, hard drives and other accessories, some of the bottom of the notebook keyboard design is not structured, there are parts in some places, some places are empty, plus the keyboard itself, steel-lined thin, typing, the bottom parts where there is no sense of subsidence will be not only uncomfortable and even felt by the fall, according to the horrors of a bad flu.


He reminds me, rich passenger group does not have unified anxiety sense, because rich passenger group is not a whole.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
