- 与 数据资料 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In this research, the SOLO (Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome) Taxonomy presented by Australian scholars Biggs and Collis (1982) was adopted, and students studying the fifth and sixth grades in Taipei area were chosen as research targets.This study was primarily implemented with a quantitative analysis and supported by a qualitative analysis. In order to carry out the research, a questionnaire had been designed with criteria suggested by Jones et al.(2000), including "describing data","organizing and reducing data","representing data" and "analyzing and interpreting data." This questionnaire consisted of open-ended questions, and after analyzed with qualitative methods, the responses were classified and scored based on standards set in SOLO Taxonomy. Then the quantitative method "Partial Credit Analysis" from Rasch model was adopted in examining the reliability, validity and consistency of outcomes from the qualitative analysis.
提出的统计思维架构-「描述资料」、「组织及简化资料」、「呈现资料」、「分析资料」作为评量试题的向度,题型为开放性问答题,在区分学童的答题表现方面,采用质的分析,参照SOLO(Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome)分类法的分类标准,将学童不同的答题反应进行分类,给予不同的分数,最后再采用Rasch model中的部份给分模式进行量化分析,以量化数据佐证质性分析的信度与效度,以及不同给分的吻合度。
Among used machine learning methods, the gradient descent method is widely used to train various classifiers, such as Back-propagation neural network and linear text classifier. However, the gradient descent method is easily trapped into a local minimum and slowly converges. Thus, this study presents a gradient forecasting search method based on prediction methods to enhance the performance of the gradient descent method in order to develop a more efficient and precise machine learning method for Web mining.However, a prediction method with few sample data items and precise forecasting ability is a key issue to the gradient forecasting search method. Applying statistic-based prediction methods to implement GFSM is unsuitable because they require a large number of data items to model a prediction model. In the contrast with statistic-based prediction methods, GM(1,1) grey prediction model does not need a large number of data items to build a prediction model, and it has low computational load. However, the original GM(1,1) grey prediction model uses a mathematical hypothesis and approximation to transform a continuous differential equation into a discrete difference equation in order to model a forecasting model.
其中梯度法是一个最常被使用来实现机器学习的方法之一,然而梯度法具有学习速度慢以及容易陷入局部最佳解的缺点,因此,本研究提出一个梯度预测搜寻法则(gradient forecasting search method, GFSM)来改善传统梯度法的缺点,用来提升一些以梯度学习法则为基础的分类器在资讯探勘上的效率与正确性;而一个所需资料量少、计算复杂度低且精确的预测模型是梯度预测搜寻法能否有效进行最佳解搜寻之关键因素,传统统计为基础之预测方法的缺点是需要较大量的数据进行预测,因此计算复杂度高,灰色预测模型具有建模资料少且计算复杂度低等优点,然而灰色预测理论以连续之微分方程式为基础,并且透过一些数学上的假设与近似,将连续之微分方程式转换成离散之差分方程式来对离散型资料进行建模及预测,这样的作法不尽合理,且缺乏数学理论上的完备性,因为在转换过程中已经造成建模上的误差,且建模过程仅考虑相邻的两个资料点关系,无法正确反应数列未来的变化趋势。
It becomes a information exchange site,the exploration project,work area,research production,seismic datum,explainer datum,well datum can be organized into one system,which can share the research production in the exploration project;Through the datum expression of well decision,we can achieve the browsing of work area basemap,the seismic section"s remote display,the well position report"s display,the visual information of well"s wall.The system can lead to a right direction for those expert"s exploration decision .The system runs through all the process of well positon"s decision,deployment and management,which makes the exploration work becoming integrated.Now we can manage the well positon"s decision with computer,which improves work efficiency,condense whole exploration circle.
The innovation and the breakthrough point of the system research chiefly shows in: finding out the effective forecasting technique of formation, oil and gas water bed and formation pressure , internal/external sharing of data, automatic examination of related data, automatic drawing of three kinds of graph, automatic showing the well position on the structure well position map according to the designed coordinate of well,pretreatment technology of design, generating of design book, mixed arrangement of graph and text, transmission and examination of design book on net, computer management of design book and data, on net query, data compressing technology, etc.
Since the well-log data interpretation is a basic step of the joint inversion, the paper studied the inversion algorithms of two-type problems of lithology and reser voir parameters using well-log data by ANNs and examined the advantages and practi cality of the technique with a large amount of real data.
The preprocessing and standardization of logging data;②lithologic interpretation and calculation of the parameters of petro-physical property;③the recognition of fracture and vug and calculation of whose parameters;④the research on the judge of the gas pay based on the logging data;⑤the determination of the abnormal pore pressure;⑥optimized programming to finish processing and interpreting the data of thirty wells in the northeast of Sichuan based on the Forward log interpretation platform.
At the present stage, the retrieve measure and emphasis that are needed to summarize experience include:(1)collecting and arranging data according to the strategy of rescue by stages;(2)enhancing experience summarization of prehospital care;(3)collecting hospital data of disaster area according to administrative area;(4)enhancing summarization of complete data of patients with head injury,thoracoabdominal injury and shock;(5)enhancing summarization of data of spot and interhospitals transport;(6)setting up national or regional system for collecting data.
For low permeability oilfields, radial flow straight-line portion should not appear in producer measuring data during shut-in build up tests. A practical method to interpret formation parameters based on well testing data at early fillup period has been established With the application of this kind of method, ideal interpretation results can be obtained when the measure pressure data lie above and under semilog straight-line portion, and the formation parameters can be interpreted more reliably.
Data from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding on board the European research satellite,Environmental Satellite is used to analyze the event,and comparison with the NCEP temperature data and ozone sonde measurement.The results show that difference between MIPAS data and NCEP or ozone sonde measurement is small.
The core part of this system development is to turndrawing datum, namely space data, into digital atlas in "ArcView", and then sort thedrawing datum into Point, Line, Polygon theme which user required so that we couldedit and manage these themes. The development process of this system is open. Users can edit and appendinformation at any moment if they want.
ArcView 的突出特色是能够将空间数据和属性数据动态结合在一起,开发过程中核心部分就是将所需的矿上图纸资料作为空间数据导入 ArcView 中形成数字地图并将其分为所需的点、线、面进行编辑管理,然后收集整理与空间数据中各主题相对应的属性表所需的属性信息并进行相应的编辑。
- 推荐网络例句
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He gained a small fortune in real estate.
Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America.