英语人>网络例句>数字错误 相关的搜索结果


与 数字错误 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A bit added to a digital signal and used for error checking, i.e. a parity bit.


The story of how Microsoft acquired the original system has inspired much folklore, which often portrays Gates pouncing on a trivial mistake by Digital Research and stealing that company's lead in microcomputer operating systems.


Digital signal transmission in the wireless channel, due to the various conditions of access, such as...


Collins English Thesaurus for Symbian s60 3rd edition features:An invaluable tool for word games, puzzles and crossword-solving, with key synonyms underlined for quick referenceA sophisticated search functionality helps with inflections and misspelled forms (eg cinammon will take you to cinnamon)A verb conjugator so you can be confident you are using the correct formThe ability to easily translate numbers into text

Collins版英语词典功能为Symbian S60第三版:一种文字游戏的宝贵工具,拼图和填字游戏,解决与主要同义词,为先进的检索功能快速referenceA强调帮助与曲折和拼写错误的形式(如cinammon将带你到肉桂)一个动词共轭因此您可以确信您使用的是正确的formThe能够方便地转换成文字的数字

In the course of setup, if keying in wrong number, press * key for backspacing.


How to enjoy? The only figures rabachés are those of the "Tibetan government in exile". Yet the Chinese government, if I heard, announces itself a number of injuries and deaths to understand that there has been a grave and serious situation that the authorities admit. In any circumstances try to compare information. We try to understand the sequence of events. Otherwise say that the french government of the time ordered the two young grow into a power transformer in Clichy Sous Bois on the grounds that it had a policy to deal with tough hand suburbs. Nobody would move a mistake as infamous. In the American urban riots repression was also heavy hand. All that condones nothing. But it puts events in relation comparison.

唯一的数字rabachés是那些对&西藏流亡政府&,但中国政府,如果我没有听错,宣布本身是一个受伤人数和死亡人数,以了解有一严重和严重的情况,有关当局承认,在任何情况下,尝试以比较的资料,我们设法了解事件的顺序,否则说,法国政府的时候命令两位年轻的成长,成为一个电力变压器在clichy sous木材日志上,理由是它有一个政策,以应付严峻的,一方面郊区,没有人会提出一个错误,臭名昭著的,在美国城市暴动镇压也是很沉重的手,都表示宽恕无关,但它把有关的事件发生的比较。

Problems often involve impossible or degenerate geometries, which may be the result of a bad numerical calculation.


The are fiftyeight million people in world, but the smoker is twenty percent, about eleven thousand million people. Because of this, the circle around of us is pollusion, the health of human is very had. There are three hundred million people die for smoking every year.

评语:样题 9和样题 10这两篇作文内容与本题要求部分有关,除事先备好但与要求不符的语句外,结构与用词错误多且严重,词不达意,条理不清,不成篇章,数字表达混乱。

Under certain ratio of signal-to-noise and through the computer simulations and calculations, the performances in Mbius digital base band communication system of five often used modem function set, those are the even and odd symmetrical triangle wave, even and odd symmetrical square wave and saw-tooth wave and their inverse transforms, are simulated 10000 times, and the fluctuation ranges of the error rate P(subscript b are observed.


Bius digital base band communication system of five often used modem function set, those are the even and odd symmetrical triangle wave, even and odd symmetrical square wave and saw-tooth wave and their inverse transforms, are simulated 10000 times, and the fluctuation ranges of the error rate P(subscript b are observed.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
