英语人>网络例句>散射 相关的搜索结果


与 散射 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the scalar scattering theory,a mathematical model of the light scattering intensity distribution of laser beam on the back focal plane of Fourier lens by a rough surface is established by means of the probabilistic-statistical method.


The results show that the tilted rough ground generates cross polarization in the scattered signal, and reduces the copolarized signal.


The SERS of various concentration of Reactive Red, Acid Red, Acid Black, Direct sol orange and Calcon Carboxylic Acid adsorbed on silver colloid are studied by micro-Raman spectrometer. It has been found that the SERS intensity of absorbed molecules is mainly from the nearest molecule layer to the surface of silver colloid. That is, SERS has its single layer saturation effect. 2. The technique of direct deposition of silver colloid on a Kaolinite surface is first described.


In the third part ,the superellipsoid was used to describe a wide range of shapes such as spheres .ellipsoids and cylinders.


A high spectral resolution lidar was used for low level atmospheric temperature measurement. Based on the iodine filter's high absorption property for aerosol, the HSRL retrieves low level atmospheric temperature with Rayleigh backscattering signal intensity.


At ψ=30°. 2. To obtain 〓 from the background of a direct Auger spectrum N Because the total Auger electron yields are only about 10〓 of the backscattered electron yields in the N spectra, the backgrounds of the N spectra are mainly formed by the backscattered electrons.


The reconstruction algorithm is similar to one for phase scatterers, but the computation of the direct scattering is different, because the attenuation must be calculated.


Moreover, the SALS images were digitally analyzed by means of Debye-Bueche and Mie scattering theory to obtain corresponding structure parameters describing the morphology, e.g., correlation distance ac, integral constant Q and fractal dimension Dc as well as the relationship between these parameters with blend composition, blending time and content of the compatibilizer.


In the meanwhile, the TS characteristics of a scattering particle and their relationship are studied when it is passing through the scattering area, In addition to this, the distribution function of particles' shape is defenited in terms of math's method and a new method is putout of which the distribution of particles' shape is captured in according to the power spectrum and spectral distribution characterist of light scattering and finally, the utility of the perturbation ameliorating method and the effect of the particles' shape is modified, so far, the accuracy of measurement of the particles' size is improved effectively.


We made an experimentally and theoretically research on SRS at low temperature (about 80K-190K) in highly single mode circular optical fiber. The experimental apparatus is designed and the principle of experiment is given. The SRS in highly single mode circular optical fiber is measured at different temperature. A series of SRS spectra is get in low temperature. On base of the spectra, we get a curve of the frequency shift and the half breadth with the temperature fluctuation.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
