英语人>网络例句>散乱的 相关的搜索结果


与 散乱的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:(1) Progesterone-treated models showed intact nasal mucosa, regular ciliary lining and inactive glands;(2) Untreated or normal saline treated models showed disrupted mucosa, inverted cilia and massive mucosal infiltration of neutrophils;(3) Smearing of nasal discharge revealed limited vs abundant number of neutrophils in SD models treated with progesterone vs untreated or treated with normal saline.(4) Hoechst stain: significantly fewer apoptotic cells per field were found in progesterone-treated models (1.583 ± 0.28) compared with untreated or normal saline treated models (2.85 ± 0.285 and 4.8 ± 0.715, respectively).


And also relative techniques involved, such as primary component analysis technique and convex technique, are introduced. And based on this, our method of surface reconstruction is described in detail. Still a method of border connection is brought forward. Using our method surface reconstruction can be well finished.


In a word, this paper proposes new ideas and algorithms to each key procedure in discrete points of cloud information process, and presented new means and new techniques for reverse engineering in this dissertation. It indicates that they have wide applications in computer aided design and computer graphics.


Edmond inserted his lever in the ring exerted all his strength; the flag-stone yielded, disclosed steps that descended until they were lost in the obscurity of a subterraneous grotto.


This garden was oblong in shape, with an alley of large poplars at the further end, tolerably tall forest trees in the corners, and an unshaded space in the centre, where could be seen a very large, solitary tree, then several fruit-trees, gnarled and bristling like bushes, beds of vegetables, a melon patch, whose glass frames sparkled in the moonlight, and an old well.


This garden was oblong in shape, with an alley of large poplars at the further end, tolerably tall forest trees in the corners, an unshaded space in the centre, where could be seen a very large, solitary tree, then several fruit-trees, gnarled bristling like bushes, beds of vegetables, a melon patch, whose glass frames sparkled in the moonlight, an old well.

园地作长方形,底里有条小路,路旁有成行的大白桦树,墙角都有相当高的树丛,园子中间 www.8ttt8.com ,有一棵极高的树孤立在一片宽敞的空地上,另外还有几株果树,枝干蜷曲散乱,好象是一大丛荆棘,又有几方菜地,一片瓜田,月亮正照着玻璃瓜罩,闪闪发光,还有一个蓄水坑。

The root cause for all the deterioration is this untamed mind and the concentrated mind leads to all achievement and development.


Next, since the final result of triangulation is determined by the optimal criterion, some proverbial optimal criteria are specified and analyzed in this paper, and they are thoroughly compared with each other here through anatomizing an example.


By means of the method of local surface fitting, the ordered data points on section plane are obtained.


It is pointed that, in practical engineering, it is necessary to develop new algorithms with new criteria for triangulations of scattered points sampled from complicated surfaces so as to maintain the properties such as better smoothness and shape preserving. Finally the time and space complexities of various algorithms are briefly and concisely discussed, also the research trend of surface triangulations based on 3D arbit rary point-sets.


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The medicinal plant resources of Gentianaceae in Sichuan Province.


"Some fortuneteller," scoffed the man, I'm the father of THREE children.

" "一些算命",嘲笑他,"我的父亲有三个孩子。

There are over 90 universities and above 150 institutes to provide Bachelor or above.
