英语人>网络例句>散乱的 相关的搜索结果


与 散乱的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Experiments show that the algorithm can extract the affine-invariant line skeleton, resist the noise and automatically determine the branch point and key point in the skeleton.


Samadhi means concentration, or the results of concentration. In the latter sense, some teachers prefer the broader definition,"collectedness".

回上 定意即专注或专注的结果,近来的理念中,有些老师喜欢用「不散乱」这种较为广泛的定义。

Being a basic structure of computational geometry, convex hull is important to data analysis of GIS.

摘 要:(浅谈平面海量散乱点集凸壳算法)凸壳作为计算几何的一种基本的结构,对GIS的数据分析有着重要作用。

Each section of the movie is insipid and disjointed with other sections of the movie.


Some people find that their minds are more active or distractible during walking than during sitting meditation. This may be because walking is more active and the eyes are open.


Results In both groups after injury, several changes on oculomotor nerve occurred including number reduction of neurons, dispersion in distribution, disappearance of sub-nuclear structure, structure destruction of fibers and myelin sheath, neurite gemmation, and specificity decrease in fibers distribution, while all these changes in section-suture group were more obvious.

结果 不同损伤均可导致神经元的数量减少,分布散乱,亚核分布结构改变,神经纤维和髓鞘的结构破坏,轴突芽生及再生纤维分布的特异性降低,而且上述改变在神经切断组更加明显。

Surface reconstruction, aiming to achieve the mathematical expression of geometric model for complex free-form surface from the scattered measured data, is a key technique of Reverse Engineering.


The experimental results, show that the RBF neural network is suitable for solving the problem of scattered data interpolation on a surface, and is more efficient than traditional methods. Furthermore, it can be easily generalized to solve the scattered data interpolation problem in higher dimensions.


A new algorithm is presented in this paper for piecewise quadric B-splines curve reconstruction from scattered data in a plane.


Our study shows that it is a good choice to apply generalized rational parametric curve to interpolate and fit unorganized data, because it provides higher numerical stability by appropriately adjusting the support of basis functions.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
