英语人>网络例句>散 相关的搜索结果

与 散 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The experimental group has various changes in the different density of potentill anserine extract. The small rat pulmonary tissue surface ofⅠgroup can see sporadic petechia of different degree; pulmonary alveolus cavity can see sporadic erythrocyte under the microscope. The small rat pulmonary tissue surface of Ⅱ group is no obvious abnormality by naked eye; pulmonary alveolus cavity can see sporadic erythrocyte and thin powder color liquid under the microscope. Two groups all have the capillary vessel of alveolar wall dilation and the endothelial cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy in different degree.


The experimental group has various changes in the different density of potentill anserine extract. The small rat pulmonary tissue surface ofⅠgroup can see sporadic petechia of different degree; pulmonary alveolus cavity can see sporadic erythrocyte under the microscope.


The experimental group has various changes in the different density of potentill anserine extract. The small rat pulmonary tissue surface ofⅠgroup can see sporadic petechia of different degree; pulmonary alveolus cavity can see sporadic erythrocyte under the microscope. The small rat pulmonary tissue surface of Ⅱ group is no obvious abnormality by naked eye; pulmonary alveolus cavity can see sporadic erythrocyte and thin powder color liquid under the microscope. Two groups all have the capillary vessel of alveolar wall dilation and the endothelial cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy in different degree.


Evapotranspiration value and transpiration indexes of the three types of soil microbiotic crust under different water content(including Bryum argenteum crust,Didymodon nigrescens crust and algal crust) were measured.

通过对3种土壤生物结皮在对照和3个不同水分条件下进行蒸量以及蒸腾指标的观测,结果表明:①3种土壤生物结皮蒸量日变化过程呈现单峰型,各个处理间峰值出现时间和蒸量变化幅度差异较大;真藓对照组峰值为0.473 g/10 cm2,出现时间为11:00时。

In 5 days after ALA treatment, under the same actinic light intensity, along with the time increased, increased PS II actual photochemical efficiency Φ_(psⅡ, photochemical quench, non-photochemical qnench, electron transfer rate, photochemistry rate, photochemistry and antenna heat dissipation of the watermelon Citrullus lanatus Thunb.


This study aims at providing a climatological reference of potential evapotranspiration for the second comprehensive assessment of water resources and water resource planning of China.


The robust dissipativity for given supply rate has been studied for uncertain impulsive systems. The dissipativity conditions for such systems are derived by means of storage function method, matrix inequality and dissipativity inequality.


Based on the real observation data, forecast equitation or forecast model, the dynamics method such as divergence and vorticity calculation, real data correction, ascending and subsidence calculation was used to simulate the 4D field of divergence, vorticity and vertical velocity at different time, different range and different levels. The field was connected to 3D fields of insect trajectories, yielding the flying speed, direction, ascending area and subsidence. Thus the peak of immigratory insect could be timely monitored. A system of the peak of immigratory insect forecast was set up.


By analyzing numerically the disks around a young stellar object and a black hole, we can obtain: the dissipation can not be neglected as a magnetic field is in small threshold value; in Keplerian disks, the magnetic field is smaller, the dissipation caused by anomalous viscosity and anomalous resistivity deviates from the ideal more greatly; the dissipative effects on magnetic instability become smaller as the radius r becomes larger.


objective to search the factors of liver injury via the anit-induced liver injury in rats.methods male sprague-dawley rats,were divided into 4 groups,data were analyzed using a completely randmized factorial anova and linear correlation.results after anit intoxication,the necrosis of hepatic cell and neutrophil infiltration im periportal region of the liver were observed in liver setions.jinshisan can reduce the alt,the tbil.pla2 correlated positively with alt、akp and tbil.conclusion the severity of anit-induced liver injury correlated positively with the pla2.jinshisan can protect against the rat anit-induced liver injury.

目的 拟通过对α-萘异硫氰酸酯诱导大鼠肝损伤发病机理的探讨,对引起肝损伤的因素进行系统的研究。方法选择s-d大鼠,雄性,随机分4组,检测数据以平均值±标准差表示,采用方差分析,相关分析进行统计学处理。结果s-d大鼠经anit染毒后,病理切片显示肝损伤明显,汇管区有大量中性粒细胞浸润。经金石及地塞米松治疗后,生化指标均有所下降,中药金石优于地塞米松,血生化指标与pla2活性相关分析显示,呈正相关。结论 anit诱导的肝毒性损伤程度与肝组织匀浆pla2活力呈正相关,应用抑制剂降低pla2活力,肝损伤程度也减轻,中药金石具有降低pla2活性,减轻肝毒性损伤。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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