英语人>网络例句>散 相关的搜索结果

与 散 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly, the principle and the techniques of measuring the displacement on surface using quadratic-exposure speckle charts were introduced, and the meterage of thickness and nonuniformity of transparent solid using laser speckle techniques was discussed.


The results showed that the ET from the marsh had an obvious seasonal variation, with the lowest month-average daily ET in May and the highest one in July. The average daily ET in growth season was 1.94 mmd^(-1), and the total ET was 293 mm.


Results Forty three cases were died from cerebral hernia before operation 1 week, in which 30 cases with bilateralis mydriasis, and the other 13 cases with half mydriasis. Twenty seven cases died from various complication during 2~3 weeks, in which 11 cases with pulmonary infection, 6 cases with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, 5 cases with acute renal failure, 3 cases with multiple organ failure, 1 case with heart failure, 1 case with metabolic disorder of body fluid.

结果术 脑疝形成使中枢衰竭在1周内死亡者43例,其中双侧瞳孔 30例,单侧瞳孔大13例;各并发症在2~3周内死亡者27例:肺部感染11例,上消化道出血6例,急性肾功能衰竭5例,脏器功能衰竭3例,心功能衰竭1例,体液代谢紊乱1例。

Some of our products are as follows: Hong Kong Huang Dao Yi rolling oil, the French Flying human medicine, Nanyang miles Herd oil, Hong Kong, bone-wine, Germany strongly Lee Shi Su, Germany, a strong niter element, the German strong gallbladder pills, Hong Kong Bao Ying Dan, Hou Tsao San, Japan, Qi Ying Tung Uk Pills, Eu Yan Sang Bo Ying Dan, Dan save the soul of Japan, Hong Kong fertilization pills, Hong Kong weight loss pills, Germany cerebrolysin, Tian-Xi Tang Tian-Xi Wan, Shell stomach powder, Japan, stomach sen U, Hong Kong, Ma Bao-Liang Tong Dan stomach, eye drops, Japan, Germany, special wet treatment, Germany, New Zealand spirits buoyant, Germany nose Min-ching, U.S. hemorrhoids ointment.


Divergence Theorem: is a vector theorem that allows a surface integral of the normal component of the vector to be transfomed into a volume integral of the divergence of a vector, or vice versa.


The varieties of Pu'er Tea are divided into bulk tea and pressed tea. Bulk tea is divided into top grade, the 1st -10th grade and off-grade. The pressed tea is usually in the form of cake, brick, prism, pillar, melon, human head, etc. No matter what kind of tea, as long as it is up to the four specifications above mentioned. It is real Pu'er Tea.


The varieties of Pu'er Tea are divided into bulk tea and pressed tea. Bulktea is divided into top grade, the 1st -10th grade and off-grade. Thepressed tea is usually in the form of cake, brick, prism, pillar, melon,human head, etc. No matter what kind of tea, as long as it is up to thefour specifications above mentioned. It is real Pu'er Tea.


Chapter 3 Enjoyment of Pu'er Tea 第三章普洱茶的品鉴 The varieties of Pu'er Tea are divided into bulk tea and pressed tea. Bulk tea is divided into top grade, the 1st -10th grade and off-grade. The pressed tea is usually in the form of cake, brick, prism, pillar, melon, human head, etc. No matter what kind of tea, as long as it is up to the four specifications above mentioned.

Generally there are following methods:普洱茶从品种上分为茶和紧压茶,茶分特级和一到十级及级外茶,紧压茶有饼、砖、砣、柱、金瓜、人头等形状,不管是什么类型的茶,只要它符合上文所述四条标准,它就是真正的普洱茶。

A new least-squares-based algorithm that introduces a within-class scatter with guaranteed classification performance in the design of least squares support vector machines is presented.This algorithm can obtain better correctness that reformulates primal LS-SVM problems with optimality criterion Min w′Mw where w is the weight vector corresponding the primal LS-SVM problems,M is the within-class scatter matrix.

提出了一个新的最小二乘支持向量机算法,该算法向最小二乘支持向量机优化模型中融入了类内度思想,即用优化准则Min w′Mw对原LS-SVM进行重组合,w为对应LS-SVM中的权向量,M是类内度矩阵。

433GW of 0, in the East China Sea, also accounting for 73% of the total energy from the Pacific.For the four major constituents, there is 140. 901GW tidal energyflux into the East China Sea from the Paci fie Ocean.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
