英语人>网络例句>散 相关的搜索结果

与 散 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the dynamic materials model theories,hyperbolic sine equation and two Liapunov stability criteria,the processing maps of T122 heat resistant steel were constructed using the data obtained from isothermal hot compress test s by means of a Gleeble 3 500 simulator.


Results: Primary glaucoma invasive age from 60-70 was crest-time, it was 41.60% of sum; female patients were majority, it was 62.18% of sum; spring is high incidence time, it was 36.13% of sum; primary glaucoma was chronic disease, averaged course was two years-two months; usual symptom are hyperpyrexia of liver (34.03%), stagnation of QI due to depression of the liver (17.23%), hepatic and renal yin deficiency (13.45%), asthenic yin causing excessive pyrexia (11.76%), upward invading of wind-fire disturbing eye (11.76%), asthenic yin causing predominant yang (9.24%); inpairment of vision, eyes pain, shallow of anterior chamber were usual complaint and physical sign; using frequency usual prescription from hing to low were: hoelen, isapgol, anemarrhenae, glycyrrhiza uralensis, alisma rhizoma, cortex moutan, etc.


Rust is a main disease on Zoysia Willd., it can destroy lawn sight and uredinia stain shoes and clothes of individuals walking on zoysia rust affected turf, even made people hypersusceptibility.


Resultsthe iop of 19 eyes (20.7%) were higher than 2.8 kpa (21 mmhg), of which, 14 eyes returned to normal seven days after 0.5% timolol administration, two eyes returned to normal after two months. three eyes showed high iop two months after injection. after combination therapy, the iop of one eye was still at 3.47-4.67 kpa (26-35 mmhg), eight eyes showed aqueous flare one day after ta injection, but the symptom disappeared the next day. two eyes showed hypopyon and vitreous opacity. with systemic and local antibiotic, the inflammation disappeared after one week. three eyes showed retinal hemorrhage.

结果 92只眼中,术后眼压高者19只眼,给予5 g/l噻吗洛尔眼液点眼,7 d后14只眼眼压恢复正常;2只眼控制在4 kpa以下,持续用药2个月后降至正常;3只眼眼压在注药后2个月才出现高眼压,联合用药后1只眼眼压仍在3.47~4.67 kpa.8只眼术后第1天出现前房闪辉,第2天消失。2只眼术后第1天出现前房积脓,玻璃体腔混浊,经局部及全身抗炎治疗,局部应用复方托吡卡安瞳,1周后炎症消退。3只眼术后第1天发现视网膜局部小片状出血。

Weishan mountain range of natural big weishan mountain, high hypsography basin, surrounded, luxuriant forest, clouds, there is perennial journey towards weishan ", to see the "weishan mountain said.


The reason gathers the reason to disperse us only to be able silent ......Perhaps in the life most beautiful is this kind does not have the result sentiment, all without enough time express, all, but because possibly all died or misses ice-bound.


For the purpose of this requirement, a wire crossing the imaginary plane more than once is treated as separate wires and the cross-sectional area of a wire having a non-circular cross-section shall be taken as the cross-sectional area of a circular wire having a diameter equal to the maximum width of the wire having the non-circular cross-section.

为了达 到这一要求,电线不仅一次通过这个假想面。计算横截面积时,线或非圆截面的电线的横截面积等同于圆线的最大直径横截面积。

And its intrinsic properties of imitability,openness and modularization would be helpful for the development of HIFU technique.


I much think of, make the mother see strong of I;Much think of, show younger brother elder brother to his model;Much think of, certificate oneself has already grow up,,,,,, But the all theses all have no way, my station doesn't get up, in the moment learn fog not to know when can spread go to, remind of an affair to promise to see a younger brother, the younger brother will can not find me, make impassability my telephone call, he will become nervous, I am good friends with a good rest, I rest a short while again get up, open eyes this time although had no fan fog have another is numerous starses, younger brother, I love you, not and clearly isn't my now will bring you very big of harm painful, I know very much that he will be sad for me and shed tears, I more clear, he is still a big kid who has no me, he how face now, speak to him all same for a minute sad in a year.


From Bow even unto Hammersmith there draggled a dull, wretched vapour, like the wraith of an impecunious suicide come into a fortune immediately after the fatal deed.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
