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与 教堂 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Canon:a member of a chapter of priests serv in g in a cathedral or collegiate church.


Canon:a member of a chapter of priests serving in a cathedral or collegiate church .


A member of a chapter of priests serving in a cathedral or collegiate church .


It is also our wish that they take care, without making any excuse, of the churches entrusted to them in commendam, whether these be cathedrals, abbeys, priories, or any other eeclesiastical benefices that they take measures, with all personal effect, to see that the cathedrals are duly served by the appointment of worthy and competent vicars or suffragans, according to what has been customary, with an appropriate and adequate salary; and that they provide for the other churches and monasteries held by them in commendam with the right number of clerics or chaplains, whether religious or monks, for the adequate and praiseworthy service of God.

我们还希望他们照顾,而不做任何辩解,教会托付给它们commendam ,不论是教堂,修道院,修道院,或任何其他eeclesiastical benefices ,他们采取措施,所有个人的影响,看看该教堂是妥为送达的任命值得和主管副主教或suffragans ,根据已取得的习惯,适当和足够的工资和他们提供其他的教堂和修道院举行了他们在commendam数量的权利教士或牧师,无论是宗教或僧侣,为充分和值得称道的服务上帝。

Luke's church in Evanston where Dr. George Craig Stewart was the high church rector.


But one figure, low down on the cold north side of the building, had neither crown, mitre, not nimbus, and its face was hard and bitter and downcast; it must be a demon, declared the fat blue pigeons that roosted and sunned themselves all day on the ledges of the parapet; but the old belfry jackdaw, who was an authority on ecclesiastical architecture, said it was a lost soul.


St. John in Lateran Basilica is the Cathedral of Rome, the mother of all churches in Rome and in the world.


A look at some church notice boards might confuse anyone unfamiliar with the differences between "high church" and "low church".


Viktoria: No, there is no time to think, we must go to the Mechanist's cathedral, the beacon you heard about...you could find it, try to activated it, to draw the servants to the cathedral. then you must somehow get Karras to seen of them, to release the rust gas. You see a fine filled cathedral with plants, enough to fill a train reaction.


It would seem to have more in common with the nonconformist churches.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
