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与 敌视 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the forces of restoration, combined with the official indifference or open hostility of secularized governments, led to a strong resurgence of centralized papal authority known as ultramontanism.

但力量恢复,再加上官方的冷漠或公开敌视的世俗政府,引发了一场强烈的死灰复燃,集中教皇权威称为 ultramontanism 。

Without one overt act of hostility, one upbraiding word he contrived to impress me momently with the conviction that I was put beyond the pale of his favour.


One of the bad comments people from Henan must endure is "Watch out for fire, thieves, and people from Henan."


It can't tolerate them, but it's especially hostile to Zimbabwe.


When he walked down the street, he said, in every block he was accosted by homophobic people


He behaves antagonistically toward his colleagues.


The Catholic writers Nickes, Movers, Danko, and more recently Kaulen and Mullen, have advocated the view that originally the Palestinian Canon must have included all the deuterocanonicals, and so stood down to the time of the Apostles (Kaulen, c. 100 BC), when, moved by the fact that the Septuagint had become the Old Testament of the Church, it was put under ban by the Jerusalem Scribes, who were actuated moreover by hostility to the Hellenistic largeness of spirit and Greek composition of our deuterocanonical books.

天主教作家nickes ,走势中, danko ,以及最近考伦和几代人,都主张认为,本来巴勒斯坦佳能必须包括所有deuterocanonicals ,所以已停止运作,以当时的使徒(考伦,长100公元前)时,所提出的事实,即septuagint已成为旧约中的教会,它是属於禁止由耶路撒冷的文士,他们驱动,而且由敌视到希腊之大的精神和希腊组成我们次经书。

The attitude of the emperors varied between hostility and toleration. There were attempts to suppress this new faith in both the second and third centuries; and finally in 303 and the following years a great persecution under the Emperor Diocletian.


Beauty is jealous,and illy bears the presence of a rivalThomas Jefferson


Beauty is jealous ,and illy bears the presence of a rivalThomas Jefferson


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
