英语人>网络例句>放大 相关的搜索结果


与 放大 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this design, a single-phase exciting signal gener AT ed by RC oscill AT ory circuit is applied to the rotor of synchro. The sine and cosine signals induced on st AT or are amplified by instrument AT ion amplifier and connected to the converter AD2S83, which is designed according to tracking goniometry. Digital logic control and address encoding are processed by FPGA , and the converted 16-bit parallel angle d AT a and direction signal are transferred to DSP.

本设计中通过RC振荡电路为感应同步器转子提供单相激磁信号,定子上感应出来的正弦和余弦两路信号通过仪表放大器的差分放大之后提供给基于跟踪型测角原理的转换芯片AD2S83,通过 FPGA 实现数字逻辑控制以及地址解码,将转换后的16位并行转角数据以及方向信号送入DSP中。

Another noteworthy moment comes in the final scene from Gounod's "Faust," when archival images of three angels from previous productions are slowly magnified, then morph into the actresses in the angel costumes designed by Ms Zuber.


The same procedure can be used to remove the graininess of highly enlarged photographs, which is of value e.g.


The same procedure can be used to remove the graininess of highly enlarged photo graphs, which is of value e.g.


The same procedure can be used to remove the graininess of highly enlarged photographs, which is of value e.g. in aerial photo reconnaissance


Here is the Eight-Meter Tall Buddha which was the third enlarged model in process of design of the Lingshan Grand Buddha, the construction of the 88-meter Buddha was accomplished by stereo photographing and computerized real size enlarging and other modern techniques.


Third, In order to check local site effect on this grassplot, we set up the other seismometer(056A) about 20 meters away from the grassplot.

由双站法可以看出,主要的放大频带落於10Hz 左右之高频区,呼应微地动测量所得到的第二峰值也落於此高频区。

Traditional image enhancement technique will amplify interfering signal and scintillation at the same time, while grey scale accelerating circuit and contrast enhancement technology have successfully solve this problem.


The capacitance capacitors and inductors of power grid form parallel resonance circuit .It's frequency may be related to the existing power grid close to the harmonic frequencies, If there is power grid harmonic current sources, harmonic resonance caused by enlarged so that the voltage and current waveform distortion even more serious.


The remaining part of the penis is composed of gristle; it is easily susceptible of enlargement; and it protrudes and recedes in the reverse directions to what is observable in the identical organ in cats.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
