- 与 改善法 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Among used machine learning methods, the gradient descent method is widely used to train various classifiers, such as Back-propagation neural network and linear text classifier. However, the gradient descent method is easily trapped into a local minimum and slowly converges. Thus, this study presents a gradient forecasting search method based on prediction methods to enhance the performance of the gradient descent method in order to develop a more efficient and precise machine learning method for Web mining.However, a prediction method with few sample data items and precise forecasting ability is a key issue to the gradient forecasting search method. Applying statistic-based prediction methods to implement GFSM is unsuitable because they require a large number of data items to model a prediction model. In the contrast with statistic-based prediction methods, GM(1,1) grey prediction model does not need a large number of data items to build a prediction model, and it has low computational load. However, the original GM(1,1) grey prediction model uses a mathematical hypothesis and approximation to transform a continuous differential equation into a discrete difference equation in order to model a forecasting model.
其中梯度法是一个最常被使用来实现机器学习的方法之一,然而梯度法具有学习速度慢以及容易陷入局部最佳解的缺点,因此,本研究提出一个梯度预测搜寻法则(gradient forecasting search method, GFSM)来改善传统梯度法的缺点,用来提升一些以梯度学习法则为基础的分类器在资讯探勘上的效率与正确性;而一个所需资料量少、计算复杂度低且精确的预测模型是梯度预测搜寻法能否有效进行最佳解搜寻之关键因素,传统统计为基础之预测方法的缺点是需要较大量的数据进行预测,因此计算复杂度高,灰色预测模型具有建模资料少且计算复杂度低等优点,然而灰色预测理论以连续之微分方程式为基础,并且透过一些数学上的假设与近似,将连续之微分方程式转换成离散之差分方程式来对离散型资料进行建模及预测,这样的作法不尽合理,且缺乏数学理论上的完备性,因为在转换过程中已经造成建模上的误差,且建模过程仅考虑相邻的两个资料点关系,无法正确反应数列未来的变化趋势。
Based on a series of signal process and noise source identification techniques, especially the major noise source identification methods, such as expurgation method, sound intensity analysis, spectrum analysis vibro-acoustic correlation analysis and so on, the pass-by noise control of SC7080A and SC6360B are studied in detail. By the roadway and dais experiments, the major noise and radiating parts are identified and some economical controlling methods are made. For the SC7080A, to control the emissing noise from the intake and shell vibration of air cleaner, a intake muffler is installed between the air cleaner and intake valve. Based on the theory of Helmholtz resonator, One three-parallel-connected resonant silencer is designed and trial-manufactured. For the SC6360B, the attenuation performance of exhaust muffler in high frequency region is improved. To reduce the vibration noise of shell part, the structure of oil sump tank, exhaust manifold shield and exhaust manifold shield are analyzed and improved. At the same time, some measures, such as sound absorption, sound insulation, are taken to reduce the noise of engine surface emissivity and a sound shield is designed.
Mr Sarkozy, himself from the Gaullist family but keen to improve France's ties with America, is trying to turn this logic on its head.
Based on the eco- environment function, confirmed the constitution of eco- environment water demand(including the inside of the watercourse.and the ecological water demand of the outside of the watercourse such as ecological water demand of economical crop, of lake or reservoir and of cities.).③Analyzing the physical geography, hydrography, economy characteristic and water resource status, getting the proper calculation method. The Tennant applied to the eco- environment water demand of inside of the watercourse, woodland minmum eco- environment water demand calculation method applied to the eco- environment water demand of woodland, water ration method applied to farmland the eco- environment water demand, water evaporation method applied to the reservoir eco- environment water demand.
This paper has improved some conventional algorithms and presents the weighting iterative improved algorithm and PSD-PCG algorithm, basing on the analysis of ill-conditioned linear system of equations characteristic and origin.
The conditions to measure accurately and the principles to select parameters of the multi— probes EST method are proposed, and the theoretical research, computer imitation and the experiment on a machine tool prove that these principles and suggestion are necessary and effective. The influence of the initial value errors of the probes, the installation error of the probes system, and the remaining error caused by the radical error motion are analyzed quantitively on the measurement accuracy of the multi—probes EST method. The influence of the error caused by the probe's axes which is not in a plane and the perpendicularity error of the plane which the probe's axes is in to the stational axis are discussed on the measurement results.
A commutation error is then considered in addition to the conventional residual error to generate the innovative residual error. Such an error is applied into cost functions to derive finite impulse response and infinite impulse response filter-based adaptive algorithms for ANC applications, referred to as FxRLS/CE and FuRLS/FRE+CE algorithms, respectively. Convergence analyses based on Lyapunov stability criteria for time-varying discrete-time systems can be carried out for the FxLMS/CE, FxRLS/CE and FuRLS/ FRE+CE algorithms to ensure stability. Computer simulations and experiments demonstrate that the innovative residual error-based adaptive algorithms can free the restriction of the slow-adaptation assumption in the conventional ANC approaches.
本文中也定义一交换误差并且加入到传统残留误差行形成新残留误差来改善适应性演算法的收敛速度,使用新残留误差推导出了有限脉冲响应滤波器与无限脉冲响应滤波器之适应演算法的新适应性演算法分别为: FxLMS/CE、 FxRLS/CE 和 FuRLS/FRE+CE 演算法,并且以离散时间的 Lyapunov 稳定性准则来证明演算法的收敛性,电脑模拟与实验也显示新演算法免除以往滤波器的参数必须缓慢更新的条件。
This may be explained by follows: First, Decoction Shenkangling can regulate the homeostasis of NEI network and reduce the increased activity of NF-κB to restrain the action of inflammatory-sclerotic media; Second, it can redress the disequilibrium of the ratio of TXA2/PGI2 to reform the hypercoagulable state; Third, it can enhance albumin and reduce cholesterol and triglyceride; Fourth, it can amend the renal damage and protect the function of renal tubule and stroma to prevent the transformation from MCD to FSGS; Last, it can lessen urine protein in AN rats markedly and relieve the side effects of prednisone.4. NF-κB, TXA2 and PGI2, along with the renal pathomorphology and so on can all be the indexes of the diagnosis of Symptom of "Kidney Deficiency and Blood Stasis" and the application of Methods of "Benefiting the kidney and Promoting blood circulation" in TCM.5. The curative effects on AN rats by treatment of integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine with prednisone are much better than using prednisone only. And the curative effects on AN rats by treatment of matching Decoction Shenkangling, having the function of "Benefiting the kidney and Promoting blood circulation", with Prednisone are much better than using Prednisone only.6. When it referred to decreasing urine protein, cholesterol and triglyceride and increasing albumin, Decoction Zhibodihuang excesses Decoction Taohongsiwu. However, when it referred to regulating the disequilibrium of TXA2/PGI2 and meliorating renal lesion, Decoction Taohongsiwu exceeds Decoction Zhibodihuang.7. The curative effects on AN rats by treatment of matching Methods of "Benefiting the kidney and Promoting blood circulation" with Prednisone overmatches using Prednisone matching Method of "Benefiting the kidney" or Method of " Promoting blood circulation" only.
益肾活血中药肾康灵能显著改善AN鼠的肾虚血瘀证的临床表现和实验指标,这可能与中药肾康灵能调理AN鼠机体的NEI网络功能稳态,降低异常升高的NF-κB活性,抑制免疫炎症/硬化介质环节,纠正失衡的TXA2/PGI2,改善AN鼠血液高凝状态,提高AN鼠的血清Alb,降低Ch和TG,减轻AN鼠的肾脏组织病理学变化,保护肾小管-间质功能,阻止MCD向FSGS转化;显著减轻AN鼠的尿蛋白水平以及减轻激素副作用有关。4、NF-κB、 TXB2和6-keto-PGF1α以及肾脏病理形态学改变等,都可作为中医肾虚血瘀证诊断和益肾活血法应用的客观指标。5、中西医结合干预AN鼠疗效优于单纯激素治疗;强的松配合益肾活血中药肾康灵组的综合疗效显著优于单纯强的松组。6、知柏地黄汤组在降低尿蛋白、提高血清Alb、降低Ch和TG疗效上优于桃红四物汤组;桃红四物汤组在纠正失衡的TXA2/PGI2和减轻肾脏病理损害方面优于知柏地黄汤组。7、激素配合益肾活血法干预AN鼠在一定程度上优于激素配合益肾法或活血法。
Rotation Scheduling with Variable Repartitioning is an effective but not efficient enough scheduling method on this architecture, and we think its main drawback is the unfavorable variable partition mechanism.
目前的RSVR 排程法效能不错但在效率上仍有改善空间,主要原因我们认为是其使用的变数分割机制不佳;因此我们定义新的变数分割机制并设计对应的指令排程法,针对RSVR 的不足之处来做改善。
The examination system of dietitians qualification has been carried out since 2000 and the Law of Nutrition Improvement is under establishment.
- 推荐网络例句
Neither the killing of Mr Zarqawi nor any breakthrough on the political front will stop the insurgency and the fratricidal murders in their tracks.
In fact,I've got him on the satellite mobile right now.
实际上 我们已接通卫星可视电话了
The enrich the peopling of Deng Xiaoping of century great person thought, it is the main component in system of theory of Deng Xiaoping economy, it is a when our country economy builds basic task important facet.