英语人>网络例句>收益 相关的搜索结果


与 收益 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Conjunctive Normal Form Satisfiability: SAT solvers returns an assignment to the variables of a propositional formula that satisfies it if such an assignments exists.


He recommends clients hold a cash cushion in their portfolio but take advantage of lower prices to buy stocks like Dow Chemical, recently yielding 9.1% and trading at nine times the next 12 months' expected operating earnings, or Conoco Phillips, yielding 3.7% and changing hands at six times forward earnings.


Private industry and quasi-private consortia can help pay the costs of expansion and share in the benefits.


When the production function was general, using theory of control and theory of stability, this paper discussed the production effect of government expenditure and fiscal policy, and got the expression of economic growth rate and structure stability of the economic variables when the production function was constant return to scale or increasing return to scale or decreasing return to scale, and pointed out how the interrelated parameters affected economic growth rate.

摘 要:在生产函数为一般形式时,利用控制论及定性理论的基本方法,讨论政府支出的生产效应和此时的财政政策。得出了当生产函数为规模收益不变、递增和递减时,经济增长率的大小及此时相关经济变量的定性结构,并指出了各种情况下相关参数如何对经济增长率产生影响。

In the test of weak-form efficient hypothesis, this thesis used auto regression, auto correlation function and unit root three models, and got the basically same results. In the test of semistrong-form efficient hypothesis, this thesis used market model, index return model and constant mean return model three ways to estimate the normal return when making use of event study, and the results were also basically same.


In the paper,the theory of production frontiers and its non-parametric measurement ap~proaches are used to figure out the input compressing productivity index,Malmquist productivity index based on the input oriented non-parametric production frontiers .The technology efficiency and thedis~tance function and their nonparametric models anr introduced on the conditions of Constant Return to Scale and input strong disposability The Non-pparametric measurement approaces and the decomposition of Malmquist prisuctibity index are put forward


Taking the overall crop yields or overall net profits on the whole planned area to be maximum as the targets respectively, the paper gives calculating formulae of rational irrigation quota in accordance with that the constant term of Y=f is smaller or greater than zero and the water use coefficient of irriga...


Finding owned company should take out no less than 30% from net income for one-time awarding the consummator and the conversion maker of the research finding, if the achievement is conversed or permitted to converse by others, and the one-time award of identified high-tech conversion projects should be no less than 40%. If the conversion is made by researcher himself or cooperated with others, the finding owned company should take out 15% of the after-tax profit for 3-5 years since the project has been successfully produced for awarding the consummator and the conversion maker of research finding, or pay one-time compensation referring such proportion, and the award of identified high-tech conversion projects should be no less than no less than 20% of after-tax profit. In joint-stock enterprises, in the case of introducing talents in the form of converting scientific and technical results shares, and the enterprises should give 30% of the value of the results as rewards. Shareholders will share the profits based on the shares they hold.


Then the incentive to undertake information search will be related to the contemporaneous trading phase of the market .


In this paper, fuzzy theory, Markov chain and RFM model are integrated to evaluate customer lifetime values. This approach calculates the profit contribution of customers in every purchasing situation. Firstly, customer purchasing state is updated contiguously by fuzzy theory and RFM model with transition matrix which represents the probabilities among purchasing states. Then the profit contribution of each period is computed by using revenue and cost data. Finally, the profit contribution of each customer is accumulated through some discounting consideration. This will construct the final customer lifetime values.

本研究结合模糊理论、马可夫链、和RFM(recency, frequency, monetary; RFM)模式,配合折现模式来计算顾客终身价值,其中模糊理论及RFM模型定义顾客之购买状态,马可夫链则推算顾客在每期购买状态改变的机率,然后推估出顾客在每期交易的转换机率,再结合产品的收益与成本资料,算出顾客在各期对公司的利润贡献,最后将各期的利润贡献折现加总,计算出各种购买状况下的顾客价值,利用此顾客价值就可指出哪些是对企业有利的顾客。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
