英语人>网络例句>收益 相关的搜索结果


与 收益 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article argues that treasury stock method should underestimate the dilative effect of employee stock option on EPS to a great degree, so it is better to use fair value method to consider the dilative effect on EPS, and to match the information disclosure of EPS with the fair value measurement.


FASB and other accounting standards regulators have considered the dilative effect on the EPS, and suggested the treasury stock method as the calculation method of diluted earnings per share.


For the type I dissymmetrical information, the thesis, using the game theory and the principal-agent theory, puts forward the second profit allocation strategy which is based on the first profit allocation strategy and makes comprehensive use of incentive and restraints.


However, we don"t find neither the economies of scale nor the diseconomies of scale in the investment banking industry. What"s more, the scope of Chinese investment banks is too narrow and the income relies on the traditional deals too much, which makes the industry far from the economies of scope.The dissertation starts from restrict-pricing model of Spence and Bain-Sylos and analyzes the mechanism of the strategy of excessive production capacity. And based on the extended dynamic game theory of Dixit the dissertation establishes the dynamic game theory model of capital promise and entry deterrence. The dissertationillustrates the essence of scale strategy of Chinese investment banking industry: Firstly domestic investment banks should optimize the capital structure and the scale expansion by proper financing arrangement.


Road pricing allows you to very precisely evaluate the benefits of new roads," says Stephen Glaister, an adviser to Sir Rod from London's Imperial College."Some of these schemes have benefit-to-cost ratios of ten to one or better.

公路收费能让你很精确地估算修建新路的收益,&Rod爵士的顾问、来自伦敦皇家学院的Stephen Glaister说,&一些计划的收益与成本比是10比1,甚至更好。

Mix distribution hypnoses assume that the asset price movement and the trading volume are both determined by an unobservable flow of information; different pieces of information flowing into the security market will cause movements of both the trading volume and the price.


In fact, large shareholders influence even control corporation governance in many ways: concentration of shares endows large shareholder right of decision-making, so small shareholders can only advise, monitor and meaninglessly vote; therefore, probably, all shareholders pay for large shareholders individual profits if large wants, and pursuing the private benefit of control has externality.


Any write-offs or amortization of noncurrent items deducted on the income statement must be added back to net income.


In fact, any write-offs or amortization of noncurrent items deducted on the income statement must be added back to net income to arrive at the amount of funds provided by operations.


3 In deciding how to use the resources he owns, each individual must be supposed to compare the expected returns (both pecuniary and nonpecuniary) from renting out his resources with the expected returns (again both pecuniary and nonpecuniary) from using them himself, and to select the method that yields the largest expected returns.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
