- 与 擦去 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Observation of machine closure dynamic and static ring plane, its surface has a layer of thin furring, be able to wipe the surface, the basic non-wear, This is the loss of flexibility and spring assembly caused by bad, or motor causing axial movement.
If it is found that the small teeth have tartar, then use gauze to gently wipe.
Gentian violet Tu point is to do every two days with an alcohol wipe to gentian violet, in order to avoid navel see change, with alcohol, when the water must be dry.
A rubber that erases the inharmonious lines between people on the patterns of life.
Equipment after use, first covered with lens hood, and then wipe the dust off the surface.
The man's body was badly battered, holding up a broken beam. The old woman's head was drooping lifelessly, but her hands were still tightly clasping the young girl.There was no time for He Yan to wipe his tears away. He hurried up to carry the little girl, who was barely breathing, and ran to the medical staff.
The man's body was badly battered, holding up a broken beam. The old woman's head was drooping lifelessly, but her hands were still tightly clasping the young girl.? There was no time for He Yan to wipe his tears away. He hurried up to carry the little girl, who was barely breathing, and ran to the medical staff.
When you nee d someone to wipe your tears, guess what?
When the two of us broke into the Headmaster's library, I climbed up to wipe with my skirt the dust from the glasscovered map that stood above the volumes and antique folios of the oaken bookshelf. The map showed Wales to the North and Cornwall to the South.
The grinding must be replaced after the grinding for repairing or fine oilstone, and wutonghe revearsing or foam board wiped the blade of the residues of fragmentizing at to prevent cutting edge at the time of injury.
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With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.
Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......