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与 撤回 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Where the appellor requests to revoke the appeal before the people's court of second instance pronounces a judgment, it shall be decided by a ruling of the people's court of second instance.


It was the lead arranger on $25 billion of the roughly $40 billion of bonds and loans withdrawn in recent weeks.


Despite opposition from fundamentalist and assimilationist Jews and internal divisions (at the 1905 Congress one group withdrew when the majority of delegates rejected a British proposal for establishing a Jewish homeland in Uganda), the Zionist organization gathered strength.

尽管反对原教旨主义者和同化犹太人和内部分歧( 1905年在美国国会一组撤回时,多数代表拒绝了英国提出的关於建立一个犹太人的家园乌干达),犹太复国主义组织的聚集力量。

Peter had to give back Azov, demolish his Dnieper and Taganrog fortresses, withdraw his army from Poland, and allow Charles to return to Sweden.


HRC just withdrew her strange baby bond scheme less than a month after presenting it.


But then they were disappointed, his account permits up to Baht 30,000- for withdrawal


China is no more than a downfallen baronage though she owns the crosier of historical heritage.


Withdraw the money you have with that bookmaker and use this money more actively.


If you would like to withdraw funds using BPS service, you must have a BPS account

如果您想撤回资金使用的 BPS 服务,你必须有一个 BPS 的帐户。

With the assistance of Scheck's team. Betty Anne had the evidence tested. Some blood samples proved to be from Braw . But the tests showed that the remainder could not have come from Kenny, leaving a criminal court judge in Cambridge little choice but to vacate the conviction.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
