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与 撤出 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Back then there were also a number of influential liberal Republicans, alas, a virtually extinct group today, including Edward Brooke of Massachusetts, the Senates only African-American; Mark Hatfield of Oregon; Jacob Javits of New York; and George Aiken of Vermont, a crusty old New Englander who thought our Vietnam policy was nuts and tersely suggested we should simply declare victory and get out.


Amount to be invested by each partner including the procedure for valuing any noncash assets invested or withdrawn by partners


None of us realised then what I later worked out to be the key cause of the dispute, namely Khrushchev's withdrawal of the Soviet nuclear umbrella from China during the Taiwan Straits dispute.


The aircraft went on a summer lease during 1968-1969 to Olympic Airways for operations between the Greek mainland and various islands, but this did not result in any production orders and it was eventually withdrawn from use and placed in storage.

飞机到上一个夏天,租赁期间, 1968年至1969年,以奥运航空公司业务之间的希腊大陆和各岛屿,但这并不会导致任何的生产订单,这是最终撤出的使用和放置在仓库。

Although the 39-year-old from Orpington did pull a second frame back in the sixth, Evans dominated the next.


For example, China and Europe International, Daiwa, as well as the sea on the occasion of foreign capital has been the withdrawal of the Yangtze Paribas Peregrine.


President Bush says he will veto any bill that has a timetable for troop plu.


This allows the D-Lux 4 to be used for portraiture or to pull in distant landscapes or sporting events.

这使得在D - 4勒克斯用于画像或撤出在遥远的风景或体育活动。

He sais he will press ahead with plants to privatize and scale back state-owned enterprises.


The procurator thereupon had the father removed by force, on which occasion he was struck with a whip.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
