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与 撤出 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The panel stopped short of calling for the products to be pulled from the market, saying the risk of deadly overdoses and other side effects is greatest in younger kids.


Last month our combat troops successfully redeployed from towns and cities.


House Democrats are preparing to discuss legislation that would grant that funding in exchange for an agreement to start redeploying U.S. forces from Iraq within 30 days.

众议院民主党籍议员正准备讨论一项法案,准备提供这笔战争拨款,但前提是白宫方面同意在 30 天内开始将美军撤出伊拉克。

House Democrats are preparing to discuss legislation that would grant that funding in exchange for an agreement to start redeploying U.S. forces from Iraq within 30 days.

眾议院民主党籍议员正準备讨论一项法案,準备提供这笔战争拨款,但前提是白宫方面同意在 30 天内开始将美军撤出伊拉克。

Any foreign investor of an enterprise with foreign investment which reinvests its share of profit obtained from the enterprise directly into that enterprise by increasing its capital, or uses the profit as capital investment to establish other enterprises with foreign investment to operate for a period of not less than five years shall, upon approval by the tax authorities of an application filed by the investor, be refunded forty percent of the income tax already paid on the reinvested amount.

第十条 外商投资企业的外国投资者,将从企业取得的利润直接再投资于该企业,增加注册资本,或者作为资本投资开办其他外商投资企业,经营期不少于五年的,经投资者申请,税务机关批准,退还其再投资部分已缴纳所得税的百分之四十税款,国务院另有优惠规定的,依照国务院的规定办理;再投资不满五年撤出的,应当缴回已退的税款。

For Google Inc. users in China, the big question isn't whether the Internet giant retreats from China, but if Beijing retaliates by blocking Google's international search site.


Users in China, the big question isn't whether the Internet giant retreats from China, but if Beijing retaliates by blocking [gm99nd]'s international search site.


And we know what Al-Qaeda thinks when America retreats from the battlefield.


In the shakier past, a quick outflow of money from Brazil and its neighbours might have triggered weaker currencies, higher debt costs, faster inflation and punitive interest rates.


We used our bombs and rockets on the vehicles and the bridge then set up several strafing passes. There were burning vehicles and some damage to the bridge when we left about 20 minutes.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
