英语人>网络例句>撞击的 相关的搜索结果


与 撞击的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From October 2006 to March 2007, 31 shoulders (13 men and 18 women with average age of 54.3) with subacromial impingement syndrome, from our department, were selected to form the patient group, An age and gender-matched of 40 asymptomatic shoulders (18 men and 22 women with average age of 52.8) formed the control group. The acromion index was measured on the Grashey view. The distance from the glenoid plane to the lateral border of the acromion was divided by the distance from the glenoid plane to the lateral aspect of the humeral head to calculate the acromion index.

方法]对本科2006年10月~2007年3月就诊的肩峰下撞击综合征患者31肩(平均年龄54.3岁,男13肩,女18肩)的G rashey位片,计算肩峰指数即肩峰最外侧缘至肩关节盂平面的距离与肱骨近端最外侧缘至肩关节盂平面的距离的比值,通过肩峰指数对肩峰肱骨头相对位置进行定量评估,与正常人群40肩(平均年龄52.8岁;男18肩,女22肩进行比较、分析。

With the development of commodity markets and industrialization in Modern times, the life-style of capitalism class rammed the China traditional feudal society and agitatedly the closed social stratum.


The height of the anti-ballistic missile in space in 1860 kilometers, and another a high-speed flight testing of missiles, carried out the most accurate collision.


The "no-charge area," formerly a two-by-six foot box where an offensive foul is not called if contact is made with a secondary defensive player who has established a defensive position, will be expanded to the area consisting of a half circle with a four-foot radius measured from the middle of the goal.

翻译成中文就是这段:以篮筐为圆心,4英尺为半径的半圆区域之内,进攻球员撞击已确定防守位置的辅助防守球员将不被判进攻撞人犯规。这一区域过去是一个2x6英尺的矩形。所以我也一直有疑问到底no-charge area是上面时候出现的。还是上面这段文字的翻译我翻译错误了?

Based on the calculation of our model, we find that the direct effects of the impact are limited and will attenuate in a short time.


Living Room: Chinese traditional straight-backed chair with the perfect combination of modern furniture, hit a harmonious feeling of space, due to spatial structure of the irrational, in order to achieve the traditional symmetrical unity, coordination of the use of true and false cabinets were completed.


The contradiction of his world view and the conflict of his ideology were reflected in his two animal novels: the Call of the Wild and White Fang.


Ripples of sorrow travelled in delicate undulations along her spine, her feet beat a terrrified flutter.


Ripples of sorrow travelled in delicate undulations along her spine, her feet beat a terrified flutter.


As professor of physics at the University of Wurzburg, he was experimenting with a Crookes' radiometer when he noticed that when cathode rays struck the end of the tube, rays of a new kind were emitted that were capable of penetrating matter.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
