英语人>网络例句>撞击的 相关的搜索结果


与 撞击的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A wilder offshoot of this theory, called panspermia, suggests that whole bacteria life itself first evolved on Mars and then hitched a ride to Earth via small pieces of the Red Planet blasted here by asteroid or comet impacts.

Panspermia 是这派之想像力特别丰富的,他们的意见:细菌根本是发源於火星;小行星或大陨石的撞击把火星的碎片带到了地球。

A lurid brazen light in the east proclaims the approach of day, while the western landscape is dim and spectral still, and clothed in a somber Tartarean light, like the shadowy realms.


He swallowed hard, his swimming eyes blind to the words, his finger shaking so badly that he could not find his place even if he could read, as something unnamable hammered against his heart.


Christian Klien had a tough day, clobbering the unfortunate Massa and Rosberg on the opening lap and later crashing heavily as a result of damage inflicted to his own car.


The "best-selling" Chinese four-door sedan quite literally crumples to the B-pillar( the bit between the front and rear doors) in a relatively standard frontal impact test at 40 mph.


The old man gurgled blood as his head slammed backwarsd on the seat, his old eyes looking up at Hiro.


Now, though his brain smoked with hatred, though wild visions of buying a gun and killing the two young men jangled the very bones of his skull, Bonasera turned to his still uncomprehending wife and explained to her,"They have made fools of us."


For its brave and original tone and structure, confronting ethnic violence with an absurdly surreal style that simultaneously entertains and deeply unsettles the viewer.


Due to the layout of the pins, it is impossible for the ball to strike every one, therefore a tactical shot is required, aiming for a chain reaction of pin hitting pin.


JIADUO INTELLECTURE INSECT MONITORING LAMP utilized the most insects like the blacklight, use the 20w blacklight or 200w writelight as light source, also use 5mm glass as insect crash screen; the light source open in special time to process lure insect, the electricity-road control the long red out to kill the pests. In order to guarantee the killing speed, hand in insect have 2proccesses, the small plate accto pass. When the insects fall into the small plate, through the small plate pass fall into the big plate then into the bag. The materials use the stainless steel, rainproof cap utilize the fly wire design, in order to lure insects easy fall into the collecting plate, the plate's angle is 15·.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
