英语人>网络例句>撞击的 相关的搜索结果


与 撞击的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its surface is heavily cratered. Its most impressive feature is perhaps the 800-mi (1,300-km) Caloris Basin, formed by a huge meteorite impact.


The effect of refined cotton,carbon fiber content and length on the safety of caseless ammunition and self-ignition temperature of simulating bore test was analyzed by testing the ignition point of 5 s delay of the propellants containing carbon fiber or refined cotton,impact sensitivity and temperature of simulating bore test.


In terms of mineralogy, the basin floor is much richer in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene than the surrounding highlands .


In the case of both the Moon and Mars, it is generally concluded from the appearance of their heavily cratered surfaces that they have been subjected to bombardment by large meteoroids during their geological history.


In a concurrent study, I am investigating the role of the pelvic veins in cryptogenic stroke, funded through a grant awarded by the American Heart Association.


There will never be magnificent waves in the lake, only sea can play stirring movements for us. Struggle spirit is like flexile water that will show us its beauty only after constantly shocking the reefs.


Hemarthrosis and destruction of the disc played an important role in the pathogenesis of traumatic diseases in TMJs. Part 3 A comparative study of the histological changes in the TMJ after different treatment of unilateral fractures in the lambs The histological changes were recorded in the TMJ after different treatment of unilateral fractures.

实验三 创伤后应用不同方法治疗单侧髁状突骨折后TMJ组织病理学改变的比较研究本实验采用颏部撞击法造成幼年山羊的双侧TMJ损伤后,在左侧髁颈部切断髁状突,模拟单侧髁状突骨折,并应用不同的治疗方法进行处理,观察其关节结构的变化情况。

The blind man then seized his arm, shoved it behind his back and kneed him in the back of his legs. Then he twisted him around and flung him face-first on to the pavement, pinning him to the ground with his body.


Clemenza, immensely tall, immensely huge, danced with such skill and abandon, his hard belly lecherously bumping the breasts of younger, tinier women, that all the guests were applauding him.


The molecular structure and the electrostatic potentials at the midpoints of C-NO2 bonds and C-CH 3 bonds for seven nitrotoluene explosives were calculated by ab initio method.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
