英语人>网络例句>撞击的 相关的搜索结果


与 撞击的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The hailstone impacting test system is constructed basing on the theory of air gun which energy is offered by compressed air.


When a heatwave hits Metropolis in November, and a scientist claims the heatwave on Superman using his powers, an injunction is placed on him to stop using his powers.


But the research team concluded that those anomalies were created by jumbling of strata when debris flowed back into the crater after the impact.


At first,the impacted problem of the Siyang one and two line lock miter gate are investigated and analyzed widely and thoroughly.The reasons of gate impactive failures are analyzed ,so impactive analysis methods are put forward.


The range of movement possible before impingement occurs is determined by the head:neck ratio.


The estimate is 10 times smaller than one estimated by Kyte et al.(1988),but it is close to the realistic situation of the Eltanin impact event,and it is a more reasonable lower limit estimation on...

这比Kyte 等人(1988)估计的质量小了10 倍,然而它更接近埃尔塔宁小行星撞击事件的实际情况,可以作为埃尔塔宁小行星质量下限和半径下限更合理的估计值。

One end of the cable is permanently connected to the enclosed mercury switch and the entire assembly is encapsulated to form a completely watertight and impact resistant unit.


It must also satisfy the most stringent crash test standards, comply with the regulations pertaining to pedestrian protection and be easy to repair.


The best solution would be to bump the content on the bottom of the page to the next page.


The position of the maximum principal stress occurred in odontoid. The position of the maximum Von Mises stress occurred in C3-4 and C7-T1 except at -15° angle with helmet.

椎间盘最大的Von Mises应值,除撞击角-15°有佩带安全帽时发生在C7-T1处,其他的情况则发生在C3-4的地方。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
