英语人>网络例句>撞击的 相关的搜索结果


与 撞击的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The thermal signature of the impact was clearly detected in all four Diviner thermal mapping channels.


Dot-matrix A dot-matrix printer is an impact printer that produces printed images when tiny wire pins on a print head mechanism strike an inked ribbon .


This image shows dune in one crater on Mars. It is formed by asteroid impact.


A high, often dangerous wave caused by the surge of a flood tide upstream in a narrowing estuary or by colliding tidal currents.Also called eagre

海啸,巨浪:一种因洪潮上涌入狭窄河口或撞击潮汐流而引起的很高的,通常很危险的波浪也作 eagre

On September 30, 2009, LRO took this photo of a spectacular field of ejecta from a fresh impact crater south of Mare Tranquillitatis.


The rationalized experientialism resulted from the experientially aesthetic trend in England and the rationalism in the French enlightening period.


The exterior layers deform at the point of impact and become finely granulated, thereby absorbing the energy.


When meteorite hit the Earth surface, it created shockwave to transfer the kinetic energy to the Earth surface. When the speed of meteorite strike reached 10 km/second, the pressure of shockwave can reach several millions bar to compress the target terrane to produce heat, the effect of impact deformation caused by it is several scales stronger than rock intensity, the granite would melt down once the pressure of shockwave reached about 500 thousands bar, the granite would gasify (solid became liquid and meanwhile further became gaseity) once reaching over 600 thousand bar.


USGS geophysicist Mary Lou Zobak says the computer simulation identifies areas of the city hit particularly hard by the quake.

美国地质勘探局的地球物理学家 Mary Lou Zobak 说电脑模仿表明城市的一部分地区受到了地震猛烈的撞击。

He also made the first scientific study of the Gulf Stream, that mysterious body of warm water that flows up the eastern coast of the United States and then heads off for Europe.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
