英语人>网络例句>撞击的 相关的搜索结果


与 撞击的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Passengers, unaware of any dangers, later testified their initial relief that the ship was restarting the journey again, with little concern about the collision, the potential damage and consequences.


Side impact intrusion is minimised by the double-skinned floor construction, side sills and integral side impact bars in each door.


Bird Strike Committee USA says bird strikes cause about six hundred million dollars in damage to American civilian and military aviation each year.

美国鸟撞委员会说:每年,鸟撞击事件导致美国的民用和军事航空业大约 6 亿美元的损失。

The bright white areas are frost and the swirling patterns have been carved by erosion.


He says the latest smash-up would have been the equivalent of a half ton of high explosives going off.


With galaxies, the slower the smash-up, the more violent the collision, since gravity has more time to pull the two galaxies into an inescapable bind.


by one of the motor tugs towing the British motor vessel "XXXX" aside into Huangpu River and consequently the floating crane struck the inside berthing research ship, the mooring ropes of the research ship were broken and the research ship that was moved hit the wharf and thus the wharf was sustained damage.

调查船&XX&及浮吊&XX&并排靠泊在该厂码头,某年 10 月 24 日 1515 时,英籍轮&XXXX&在四艘拖轮绑拖下进黄浦江,其中一拖轮与浮吊&XX&碰撞,该浮吊碰撞并靠的调查船,造成该调查船系泊码头上的缆绳断裂,船身移动而撞击码头,以致使码头损坏。

Civilian in the original stainless steel towers, automatic non-tower water, and 3 tons of plastic cans, multi-purpose section of coal on the basis of±·developed a fairly competitive market, to overcome the concrete, steel, glass and other material for a new type of defect super-large equipment storage. 1-300 tons of wide import modular stainless steel water tank, 3-full-import 30 tons of polyethylene plastic cans; products with anti-acid-base, corrosion-resistance, resist aging, no peculiar smell, not long moss, eliminate sterilization, handsome in appearance, sanitation, any combination of a combination of hot and cold, seismic cracking, corrosion resistance strong, anti-ultraviolet, green environmental protection, impact resistance, the unique advantages such as shortening the construction period; widely used in food, medicine, textile, printing and dyeing, chemical, paper, porcelain , electronics, construction site, yard, distillery, buildings, fire and big hotels, water treatment, pure water plant and other industries.


Calculations suggest that the "nuclear winter" from the impact would have lasted years. Plants would have stopped photosynthesising. Animals would have starved to death.


But woodpeckers are suited to the task, and doctors who study head trauma are trying to learn how the birds avoid injury.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
