英语人>网络例句>撞击的 相关的搜索结果


与 撞击的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

METHODS: The stability of intact specimens in flexion, extension, lateral bending and torsion was examined. A fracture model was created using dropping technique. The fracture model was instrumented with short-segment pedicular screw fixation (4-screw construct) or the intermediate screws structure (6-screw construct).


Preliminary experimental results give the planeness of flyers in φ200mm system.


And when I was going through a punky phase, it was The Clash.


Arthroscopic subacromial decompression has the advantages of minimal trauma and rapid recovery, the results are satisfactory.


In this respect, should be rubber gasket and carry it in uncontrollable trapeziform mouth to reduce the impact of nano-imprint lithography, so that the ink marks on his degree reduced.


Trochanteric advancement has been suggested as a method of treating recurrent dislocators where neither component malpositioning nor impingement was the cause of the dislocations.


[Objective]To explore the reason of ulnar impaction syndrome misdiagnosed by tissue injury in wrist.


Methods The experiment rabbits were divided into 4 groups. Each group was exposed to different conditions for 120 minutes:normal control group(Td 24℃ 1℃,relative humidity 55% 5%),wound stress group(right crura smashing fracture,Td 24℃ 1℃,relative humidity 55% 5%),heat stress group(Td 38℃ 1℃,relative humidity 65% 5%),wound and heat stress group (Td 38℃ 1℃,relative humidity 65% 5%,right crura smashing fracture).

(1)常温对照组置于干球温度(24 1)℃、相对湿度(55 5)%环境2h;(2)常温创伤组置于同等环境;以350牛顿的力撞击致兔右后肢股骨中下段粉碎性骨折2h;(3)湿热无创组置于仿真模拟气候舱,干球温度(38 1)℃,相对湿度(65 5)%环境2h;(4)湿热创伤组同时施加(2)、(3)两种条件2h。

But in what can be the wildly gyrating final seconds of a helicopter crash, that is much harder to achieve.


As it turns out, the Ady Gil was all but destroyed yesterday after a fracas involving a Japanesewhaling vessel in the Southern Ocean, part of a fleet harpooning aplanned haul of nearly 1000 minke whales, fin whales and possiblyhumpbacks.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
