英语人>网络例句>撕 相关的搜索结果

与 撕 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hunan Liu Yupei: The Hunan cuisine "hundred change" the red pepper Does the red pepper by the long angular hot pepper (line hot pepper, two catty strip hot pepper to be possible) to be made,"the gongbao chicken","the hot pepper pig's intestines","the hand rips the cabbage","to cook in soy the cucumber" and so on vegetable general uses is this kind does the hot pepper, use time needs to fry the fragrance in the oil, the cardinal principle process is first: The pot puts the bottom oil to burn to 30% heat, drains the hot pepper, the salt, the flame fries the fragrance to assume to the hot pepper seal brown, under enters raw material again.


Direct/indirect signs and the injury mechanism of avulsion fractures were analyzed and compared with permanent osteoepiphyte, sesamoid and accessory bones for their morphological characteristics.


He tore up sheet after sheet of music before producing the happy tune he wanted.


The old man was very disappointed.He actually tore up it with his shivery fingers.


Of this offense Buck was unwittingly guilty, and the first knowledge he had of his indiscretion was when Sol-leks whirled upon him and slashed his shoulder to the bone for three inches up and down.


In the dungeons and a lot of mice to Sida, each layer of the maze has ...


In the dungeons and a lot of mice to Sida, each layer of the maze has a door, find the key to pass through.


It is interesting that cervical root avulsion is a relatively frequent cause of superficial siderosis of the CNS. It is possible that trauma to the nerve root damages the fine venous plexus within the root, or the medullary and radicular veins that run along the nerve root, resulting in a fragile vascular scar.


He took the gift from my hand and tore the silver paper off with one fluid movement.


Hollow screw, anchor screw fixation for the treatment of knee PCL tibial attachment avulsion fracture is simple, reliable and effective.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
