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与 撕 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All you need to do is peel off this sticker and dial the number.


Do not you remember his cutting his finger with your new penknife, and your recommending court-plaister?- but, as you had none about you, and knew I had, you desired me to supply him; and so I took mine out and cut him a piece; but it was a great deal too large, and he cut it smaller, and kept playing some time with what was left, before he gave it back to me.


" E+ P7 f" o A$ G- P$ s: D4 N It remains to be seen to what degree the president's personal appearance will move Republicans to work harder to find common ground with the president, and to shed a label applied to them in the president's first year: the party of "no".

奥巴马总统本人亲自出席会议这件事,究竟会在何种程度上推动共和党人更加努力地寻找和总统的共同点,掉他们在奥巴马总统就任第一年给自己的党所贴上的"说不党"的标签,这一点还有待观察。2 ~' T !

Poor little lambs--andwhy? They never injured me, I've mangled piteously.


The competition of sale also should not be to rip placard, grab territory under one's control.


TransMAX Express is waterproof and works well with all plastisol, water-based and puff inks.


He stood desperately on the platform, tearing up the ticket tearfully.


Could you take off the price tag for me ?


I rushed in and tried to pull the dogs apart.


She said he experienced a deep impression on that has not exaggerated, said:"Yes, it was a great experience, his arm is strong, he easily would my pants torn pulpy."


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
