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与 摩西的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Perhaps he thought of the calf as a cherubic symbol, perhaps he felt it represented an animal of national sacrifice, the largest animal used under the Law of Moses.


The purpose of the Pentateuch was very different to codify the laws of the chosen people as well as to sum up their primitive history.


Whatever may be said of their material prosperity, or of their proficiency in writing and reading, the above-mentioned researches of Flinders Petrie show that they kept records of their national traditions at the time of Moses.


It appears that he, and not Amar'e Stoudemire, is the spiritual son of Moses Malone, an o-board gobbler (3.4 per last year and well north of three per in his career as a starter) and already the 81st-best shooter (at .505) in NBA history.

从种种迹象看来,他比小斯更像是摩西-马龙的继承人,一个冲抢进攻篮板的高手(上赛季场均3.4个进攻篮板,作为先发出阵的他职业生涯可以场均抢下3个)而且他已在 NBA 历史上的投篮命中率排行榜位列第81位(命中率50.5%)。

It was on this day that Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the Tables of the Law received in token of God's pardon of the sin of the golden calf, while the whole congregation fasted and prayed.


The people persuaded Aaron to make them an idol, which was the golden calf, and they all fell to worshipping it and became involved in very immoral worship.


It occurred about 1420 BC, since records exist of "Habiru" invasions of Canaan forty years later - this theory fits well the modern idea that the historical persona of Moses was the early 15th century BC Crown Prince of Egypt called Ramose, who also disappeared from Egyptian records around the time of Queen Hatshepsut's death


If this was the case, it must have been at a time anterior to the separation of the Samaritans from the Jews, as the Samaritans have only the Pentateuch; but the books of Ezra and Nehemiah give no intimation of the existence of a hexateuch.


The Jews knew no such Hexateuch, no such six books set together by a final editor; they always kept a marked distinction between the Pentateuch and Josue, and rather linked Josue with Judges than with Deuteronomy.

犹太人知道没有这样的Hexateuch ,没有这样的六本书共同确定了最后的编辑,他们一直保持著明显的区别摩西五和若苏埃,而是与法官联系若苏埃比申命记。

The book, which comprises twenty-four chapters, readily falls into two main parts and an appendix, which may be summarized thus:(1) the events following Moses' death; the invasion and capture of the land;(2) the division of the country;(3) the conduct of the Reubenites, etc.; two hortatory addresses by Joshua shortly before his death, followed by a brief gloss on his burial-place and the disposition made of the bones of Joseph.

这本书,其中包括24章,很容易陷入两个主要部分和一个附录,可归纳如下:( 1 )之后的事件摩西死亡;入侵和捕获的土地;( 2 )分工该国;( 3 )进行有关reubenites等;两个劝告地址,约书亚不久,在他死之前,随后简要介绍掩饰对他的埋葬地点和处置作出的骨头约瑟夫。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
