英语人>网络例句>摄影 相关的搜索结果


与 摄影 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We are one with aerial photography, commercial photography-based, advertising design for the follow-up extension of the comprehensive photography services company.


Specializes in aerial photography, commercial photography, advertising photography, product photography, VI design, sample design.


Contemporary tintypes and ambrotypes contrast modern imagery with the antiquarian process.


Let's look back on the history of photography, the Frenchman, Louis J. M. Daguerre (1789~1851) created Daguerreotype on August 19, 1893. From then on, photography was always developing with the progress of science and technology, and prosperity of visual arts.


In 1826, Mr. Nicephore Niepce, the French inventor of photography and heliography, obtained the first image in photography. Since then, as an expression of high technique of traditional photographic industry, large-format photography has been considered irreplaceably important in the development of photographic art.


As well as becoming a member of The Society itself, many members also Join one or more of the specialist Groups which concentrate more closely upon their chosen interests within the medium; from digital imaging to fine printing ,nature photography to contemporary practice,pictorialism to imaging science,th moving image ,and many more.


Yet, Chinese photography is still in the state of "backward" and "training classes" stage, thus forming the interlinking of traditional record photography, report photography and salon photography with modern notional photography, new record photography, superrealism, post-modernism at the same time, which means the transformation of this field.


The anteroposterior projectionof the foot, utilized to examine the foot disease in the past was referred as to the freely-stressed method. However, most of the patients on suspicion of Hallux Valgus get pains while standing with weight-bearing. Additionally, the patients' real conditions can not be diagnosed without standing. it is helpful for us to apply both the foot weight-bearing and the foot non weight-bearing so as to probe the individual difference between the HVA and the IMA 1(superscript * intermetatarsal angle and further to provide the informative resources concerning the assessment of performing surgery operation. The study include 40 patients who we having Hallux Valgus of different degree, The findings have revealed the significant difference among 40 patients after the method-weight-bearing AP of the foot projection given.

过去一般常用诊断足部疾病的足部摄影(anteroposterior projection of the foot; AP projection of the foot)是指未施加压於病人足部的拍摄方法,然而多大脚趾外翻的病患常於站负重时感觉疼痛舒服,而未负重摄影却无法呈现出病人站时的真实态,因此我们用足部前后位负重摄影(weight-bearing AP projection of the foot)与足部未负重摄影(non weight-bearing AP projection of the foot)的影像比较其大脚趾外翻角(Hallux valgus angle, HVA)及第一跖骨间的角1(上标 st intermetatarsal angle, IMA的差,进而提供外科手术的估评。

The light is the photographic foundation,the realization photography technical process transmitted light,achieved photographic the artistic essence to does not leave blank,photographic art is the light and shade art.


Objective:To evaluate the value of localizing impacted teeth with lateral sagittal axial panoramic tomographs.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
