英语人>网络例句>摄影 相关的搜索结果


与 摄影 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since then he has worked on numerous photographic projects, developing an international reputation for his innovative approach to documentary photography, and his contributions to photographic culture both in the UK and abroad. In 1994 he became a full member of the Magnum Photographic Corporation. In 2002 a large retrospective of his work was held by the Barbican gallery and the National Museum in London, and in 2004 he was appointed Professor of Photography at the University of Wales Newport Campus.


There are many people who are working or interested in visual arts or photographic arts in Hong Kong, but most of them tend to take single pictures only. Not just pictorialism, Hong Kong documentary photography is also limited to snapshot in streets in one single place and time. Only a few people would process documentary photography continuously with one topic from different angles.


Presently, the studio has developed into a unity providing service in the fields of photography, design, processing and enterprise image improvement. With a professional studio and the most update ad photographing devices and good-sized professional photography lamps and lanterns, Tule can supply 4ⅹ5, 120 and 135 traditional film photographing, high quality digital photographing and late processing service.


Project selected location is in Centre Business District of Baoan District, occupying a land area of 6.7 hectares, the total floor space covers 117,146 square meters; taking "Leading photography industrialization, accelerating photography internationalization" as a tenet, Building the High-level exhibition and business platform by the skyscraping specialty and brilliant feature, becoming a photography industrial park integrated Products and Equipment deal, Shot and Produce ,Exhibition, Vendue ,Picture Design ,Training, Copyright Protection, Industry Standard constitution, Information Communication.


The overseas photographical expression and creation, which has broadened the vision of China's advertisement, means both a challenge and an opportunity for China to advance its advertisement photography and enter the international mar...


The overseas photographical expression and creation, which has broadened the vision of China's advertisement, means both a challenge and an opportunity for China to advance its advertisement photography and enter the internationa...


Project selected location is in Centre Business District of Baoan District, occupying a land area of 6.7 hectares, the total floor space covers 117,146 square meters; taking "Leading photography industrialization, accelerating photography internationalization" as a tenet, Building the High-level exhibition and business platform by the skyscraping specialty and brilliant feature, becoming a photography industrial park integrated Products and Equipment deal, Shot and Produce ,Exhibition, Vendue ,Picture Design ,Training, Copyright Protection, Industry Standard constitution, Information Communication.


China Photographers Association; Guangdong Photographers Association; Hong Kong Photographers Union; Guangzhou Photographers Association; Guangdong Young Photographers Association; Zhongshan University School of Communication and Design; Zhongshan University Anthropology Department; Press Photo Office of the State Council; Shenzhen Professional Photographers Association; Mois de la photo; FotoFest; The Photographers' Gallery; Moscow Photobiennale; World Press Photography Foundation; German Photographers Association; La Maison européenne de la photographie; The Federation of Asian Photographic Art; Royal Photographic Society; Drik Photo Agency; The University of Michigan; VU Agency; EVE Photographers; Robert Klein Gallery; Poc Project; Agence France-Presse; The University of Kansas; Otterbein College; The University of Massachusetts Lowell; O'Connor Studio; FotoFreo; NB Pictures; John Stevenson Gallery; Photography Criticism CyberArchive; Photographie.com; Les Rencontres d'Arles; Photo Swap; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Chris Boot Ltd; 'Aperture Magazine'; PHotoEspaa; Rhubarb-Rhubarb; Seeing the Light; Grazia Neri Agency; cole nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs France; Tendance Floue; Les Filles du Calvaire Gallery.

中国摄影家协会、广东摄影家协会、香港摄影家联盟、广州摄影家协会、广东青年摄影家协会、中山大学传播与设计学院、中山大学人类学系、国务院新闻摄影办公厅、深圳专业摄影家协会、巴黎摄影月刊、休斯顿FotoFest摄影节、英国摄影家画廊、莫斯科摄影双年展、世界新闻摄影基金会、德国摄影家协会、欧洲摄影之家、玛格南图片社、巴黎国际摄影双年展、休斯顿摄影节、俄罗斯国际摄影节、伦敦摄影师之家、亚洲影艺联盟、英国皇家摄影协会、孟加拉Drik图片社,美国密歇根大学,法国VU图片社,埃娃摄影师、美国波士顿Robert Klein Gallery画廊、欧洲艺术家组织、法新社、美国堪萨斯大学、美国麻省大学Lowell分校、O' Connor 工作室/ O'Connor Studio,澳大利亚FotoFreo摄影节、伦敦NB Pictures图片社、纽约John Stevenson Gallery画廊、美国摄影评论档案馆、法国Photographie.com 杂志、法国阿尔勒摄影节、法国VU图片社、英国 PhotoSwap、美国休斯顿美术馆、英国Chris Boot图书出版有限公司、美国《光圈》杂志、西班牙摄影节、英国Rhubarb-Rhubarb摄影节、英国Seeing the Light、意大利Grazia Neri图片社、法国国家高等装饰艺术学院、法国Tendance Floue图片社、法国Les Filles du Calvaire画廊

In this part, personal tales revealed in photography are placed in a parallel to that of the national narratives, thus emphasizing the respect of personal strifes and personal struggles. Professional shots are mixed with amateur shots to render different perspectives in story telling, and to make a showcase of the complex yet limited presence of photography in modern China society.


This comes from the pursuit of truthfulness in documentary photography, rather than the selfconsciousness of local events. One might cry for a documentary element in concept photography and hunt for the concept in documentary photography, but this time they have two in one.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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