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Objective In order to make full use of the resources of Leonurus and avoid wasting,identifying the process of extracting total flavone from Leonurus and its differentiating and the effect on scavenging of hydroxyl radicals.


The plain X-ray films of the 5 cases exhibited an irregular lobulated mass with ill-defined margin and inhomogeneous density.


Methods Collected the eggs of Lucilia sericata, artificial rear the maggot under the experimental condition, Observed the time orderliness of maggot living.


There were 8 patients in the macromastia group and 5 patients in the control one. Mammary epithelial cell size measurement showed no difference between the two groups 72.7±12.3 μm^2 vs.

三年内共搜集到八位巨乳症病患及五位对照组,两组的乳房上皮细胞尺寸以Wilcoxan rank sum test比较,并没有统计学上的意义72.7±12.3μm^2 vs。

There were 8 patients in the macromastia group and 5 patients in the control group. The result didn't show significant difference between the two groups. There is no difference between the two groups in mammary epithelial cell size measurement and Akt-1/2/3 immunohistochemistry stain. The levels of Ki-67, phospho-Akt-1/2/3, and STAT5a of juvenile macromastic patients are higher than those of the patients of the control group, and the results are statistically significant.

三年内共搜集到八位巨乳症病患及五位对照组,两组以Wilcoxan rank sum test比较,乳腺上皮细胞的尺寸及Akt-1/2/3免疫组织化学染色方面在统计学上的没有显著的差异,而乳腺上皮细胞之Ki-67、phospho-Akt-1/2/3、及STAT5a免疫组织化学染色方面,则均为青春期巨乳症患者组较高,统计学上均有显著性的差异。

Patients who received reduction mammaplasty for juvenile macromastia in NTUH from January 2003 to December 2005 are enrolled as macromastia group. The control group includes the patients who received breast operation for breast cancer in NTUH in the same time period, with breast sizes not larger than C cup.


The second, so far as the text is concerned, might be considered as merely a different wording of the first, were it not that the history of the council shows that Wyclif had directly opposed the Scholastic doctrine of "accidents without a subject" as absurd and even heretical (cf, De Augustinis, De re sacramentari, Rome, 1889, II, 573 sqq.), Hence it was the intention of the council to condemn the second article, not merely as a conclusion of the first, but as a distinct and independent proposition; wherefore we may gather the Church's teaching on the subject from the contradictory proposition;"Accidentia panis manent sine subjecto," ie the accidents of bread do remain without a subject.

第二,相对於文而言,可被视为仅仅是一个不同的措辞第一,如果不是被认为安理会历史表明wyclif直接反对学术上的理论,&如果没有意外的一个主题&一样荒谬甚至异端(比照,德奥古斯蒂尼斯,德重sacramentari ,罗马, 1889年第一,二, 573 sqq ),因此这是安理会打算谴责第二篇文章,而不是仅仅作为一种结论的第一,但作为一个独特和独立命题;哪,我们可以搜集教会的教学主题,从相互矛盾的命题&; accidentia潘尼斯manent正弦subjecto &,即事故的面包做的仍然是一个课题。

The second, so far as the text is concerned, might be considered as merely a different wording of the first, were it not that the history of the council shows that Wyclif had directly opposed the Scholastic doctrine of "accidents without a subject" as absurd and even heretical (cf, De Augustinis, De re sacramentari, Rome, 1889, II, 573 sqq.), Hence it was the intention of the council to condemn the second article, not merely as a conclusion of the first, but as a distinct and independent proposition; wherefore we may gather the Church's teaching on the subject from the contradictory proposition;"Accidentia panis manent sine subjecto," ie the accidents of bread do remain without a subject.

第二,相对于文而言,可被视为仅仅是一个不同的措辞第一,如果不是被认为安理会历史表明wyclif直接反对学术上的理论,&如果没有意外的一个主题&一样荒谬甚至异端(比照,德奥古斯蒂尼斯,德重sacramentari ,罗马, 1889年第一,二, 573 sqq ),因此这是安理会打算谴责第二篇文章,而不是仅仅作为一种结论的第一,但作为一个独特和独立命题;哪,我们可以搜集教会的教学主题,从相互矛盾的命题&; accidentia潘尼斯manent正弦subjecto &,即事故的面包做的仍然是一个课题。

Watching tv,listening to the radio.besides the news,i mainly watche the balls mathes ,espcially the football.


Three-dimensional dynamic controls of the head, trunk, shoulder, elbow, wrist, ilium, knee, and ankle joints were measured kinematically via a Motion Analysis System, which is consisted of 8 Falcon Analog Cameras. It was found that the high stepping led to a mediolateral increase in the head and trunk swing.

研究的自变项为登阶高度和有无视觉之参与,依变项则为透过动作分析系统(Motion Analysis System with 8 Falcon Analog Cameras)所搜集之重要关节点的三维运动学资料。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
