英语人>网络例句>搜索 相关的搜索结果


与 搜索 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reporter: As the search for experts in the field of music, what do you think the future should be how to develop music search?


The five characteristics of the system are exploiting the ordered decomposition of problems in the structure of networks; using the Hasse graph to map the transfer network to the field of real numbers homomorphically; distinguishing the production rules as strong rules and weak rules; using the method of scheduling among stations to balance the search by weak rules in every station; searching in the best-first way both in the large and in the small, but with the different aims respectively, which can be regarded as a BF′-BF strategy in which the macro guides the micro.


In the search step of thepatter search algorithm,a finite set of points is obtained by a process similar to genetic algorithm.


Enter the search for wisdom even if\even though extinct volcano find a way to keep us young forever find themselves on the surface of the monster find themselves surrounded by fire screen former president from …on from that day on from then on give a view of … give a view of the underwater world go abroad go on an adventure go on this adventure go through forests go up into have ….in common have difficulty/trouble doing sth have no idea He will be back before long hesitate about / at / in / over doing = hesitate to do sth hesitate about doing sth hesitate at nothing hesitate to do sth hunt for=search for I doubt if/whether clause imagine vt.

的视野 a bird's eye 流览;给人提供一个的视野 view 鸟瞰可以看见水底世界出国 study abroad 留学去冒险,做一次冒险去冒险做一次冒险进行冒险穿过森林上升进入有…共同之处共同之处在做某事上有困难/麻烦在做某事上有困难麻烦不知道不久以后 He saw the film long before (很久以不久以后不久以后很久以前做某事犹豫不决 without hesitation 毫不犹豫犹豫做…;犹豫做;对…犹豫不决犹豫不决对…毫不迟疑毫不迟疑犹豫做某事;不愿,犹豫做某事;不愿,感到不情愿搜索…搜寻;找寻搜寻;搜索我怀疑是否…我怀疑是否想象后加想象后加 doing 的动词形式

In the rescue situation system of the main flight strip, the communication data link between the vehicle and Beijing center is important for rescuing on time. It is related to the correct decisions of commanders.

摘 要:在主着陆场搜索态势系统中,车载系统与北京中心间的海事卫星通信数据链路的通断直接影响搜救的及时性和正确性,关系到各级指挥员对搜索态势的准确把握和及时决策。

This paper presents an adaptive and scalable Web search system,based on a multi-agent reactive architecture,which draws inspiration from biological researches on the ant foraging behavior.Its target is to search autonomous information on particular topics,in huge hyper textual collections,such as the Web,exploiting the outstanding properties of the agent architectures.


Fill first class, Baidu index is the free magnanimity that is a foundation with Baidu webpage search and Baidu news search data analyses a service .


If can reach the collaboration that searchs a field with Yahoo, so, microsoft aux will be able to is shared quite approximate the search market share of 30%, and this bit of enough forms awe to Gu Ge, invite opposite party not dare fribble.


SEARCH: Both full-text search engines and ones that search descriptions of documents and other content.


There are more than 70,000 digital books and 1.7 million articles in it. All are available for full-text search,you can search each and every word of all of the books and journal articles in the collection,and you can read every title cover to cover.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。