英语人>网络例句>插入的 相关的搜索结果


与 插入的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Comparing the run_time between insertion sort and quicksort shows insertion sort gives better performance when the given data sequence is in ascending order. For the nearly sorted list, whether insertion sort performs better than quicksort depends on the size of the list and the number of randomly ordered items. Compared to the insertion sort, the results show quicksort yields shorter run_time if the list is in descending or random order. The main drawback of quicksort is the worst case behavior of O(n2) comparisons when the list is in ascending or descending order. It has been shown that quicksort also performs poorly for nearly sorted list.


A short list of features include: Multiple user account capability, Drag and drop operation for insertion of user name and password, Printing function for hard copy of passwords, Password protected database functionality, Internal security features to help maintain privacy from "over the shoulder" intrusion using our -Hide/Show password function, Descriptive titles allowing the same username to be used repeatedly, Configurable random password generation, Memo section for noting important info about password, like inception date, expiration date or special site instructions, Method of storing and launching relative URL information for quick access to the web site the particular password might pertain, Ability to disable Splash screen after registration, Configurable timeout function for unattended program lock-up, Ability to copy username and password to clipboard without entering that particular record, Ability to clear clipboard from within program and upon program exit, Full program help files.


The invention is directed a patterned contact sheet and to a method of bonding a cover wafer to an interposer wafer using the patterned contact sheet having a waffle-like pattern of a plurality of ridges and plurality of wells to form a cover/interposer combination or unit that can be bonded to a substrate having a MEMs device thereon, the cover wafer, interposer wafer and substrate together forming a protective packaging for the MEMS.


Offspring were then tested for male sexual behavior: mount frequency, MF;mount latency, ML;intromission frequency, IF;intromission latency, IL;ejaculation latency, EL;post ejaculatory interval, PEI;hit rate and female sexual behavior;approach latency, AL;mount return latency, MRL;intromission return latency, IRL;post ejaculatory refractory period, PER;lordosis quotient, LQ. Measures were made at the age of postnatal days 70 to 91, and 97 to 101, respectively.

幼鼠出生后第70-91 d、 97-101 d测试F1代雌鼠的接近时间、爬跨后返回时间、插入后返回时间、射精后不应期、脊柱前凸系数和雄鼠的爬跨频率、爬跨等待时间、插入频率、插入等待时间、射精等待时间、射精后不应期、插入率等性行为。

Offspring were then tested for male sexual behavior: mount frequency, MF; mount latency, ML; intromission frequency, IF; intromission latency, IL; ejaculation latency, EL; post ejaculatory interval, PEI; hit rate and female sexual behavior; approach latency, AL; mount return latency, MRL; intromission return latency, IRL; post ejaculatory refractory period, PER; lordosis quotient, LQ.


By using a mean field approximation, the process of lthium intercalation into carbon materials was analyzed theoretically. GICs with less than 4 stage form when lithium intercalates into graphite by electrochemical methods. The capacity of lithium intercalating into carbon materials depends on the energy dispersion of lithium site in carbon.


When we assign through an insert iterator, the iterator inserts a new element. There are three kinds of inserters, which differ as to where elements are inserted


After 2, 1-insertion, the γ-agostic complex can be isomerized to three β-agostic complexes in which the one with two methyl groups trans to each other is the most stable species.


The insertion had three phases which grouped by the duration of pedipalps inserting.Initial long inserting duration about 25 min was followed by a medium inserting duration(15min or so);however,subsequent short inserting decreased to approximately 5 min in duration.

通过分析,发现了一种微蛛新的交配模式,即可将浅斑近微蛛的插入期分为三个阶段:首先是大约25 min长插入期,接着是一个大约15 min的中度插入期,最后是一个大约5 min的短插入期。

Separation … from 的搭配关系 90、 The increase in the numbers of married women employed outside the home in the twentieth century had less to do with the mechanization of housewo rk and an increase in leisure time for these women than it did with their ow n economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool of single women workers,previously,in many cases,the only women empl oyers would hire.

The pool of 如果后面跟着一群人,则表示劳动力资源难句类型:复杂修饰、插入语解释:主语the increase之后照例来了一堆修饰成分。后面的had less to do with…t han do with…的意思是与前面的东西的关系不如与后面的关系那么重要,相当于中文的与其说还不如说…。但是本句的比较双方都是又臭又长的由and所连接的两个名词性短语,令读者阅读时的思维难以连贯。The pool of如果后面跟着一种人群,则这个词组指劳动力资源。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
