英语人>网络例句>控诉的 相关的搜索结果


与 控诉的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To have a guilty conscience cleansed, and to be free from its constant accusation is an experience, but it is not the cleansing of the conscience that saves you; it is faith in Christ that saves, and a cleansed conscience is the result of having come into a right relationship with God.


It wants to keep neutrality of the judge, prevent misusing of the accusatorial power and strengthen the accused. At present, almost all of the students consider it as a fundamental principle in criminal proceedings and point out some drawbacks in the trial stage of criminal proceedings in China. But that is not systematic and overall. Meanwhile the historical, relative and theory-to-practice methods were used in the article. On base of studying the historical development and analyzing the meaning and main demands of it, the article come up with many reformatory suggestions for thoroughgoing implementing it according to the drawbacks of criminal proceedings in China: establishing judicial review and letting no-trial judge inspect accusation before the trial, restricting strictly judge's conduct of changing accusation and inspecting out of court, upbuilding partly investigating system, forbidding judge to initiate retrial which is harmful to the accused.


Reed: the same ridge, black and blasted after the flames are dead, would have represented as meetly my subsequent condition, when half-an-hour's silence and reflection had shown me the madness of my conduct, and the dreariness of my hated and hating position.


If any man upbraid his shopmate ,or any member of society ,or stranger ,of his country or anything relating thereto ,or use any other abusive language ,so as thereby to cause disgust ,the same shall be reported to the first committee or body meeting, or on the regular meeting night ,when an impartial investigation of the charges shall take place ,and if the accused is found guilty ,he or they shallbe fined according to the enormity of the offence ,and such fine to go towards the deficiencies of the society.


According to international standards, directors and auditors usually have three options with accounts: they can prepare them on a going-concern basis, which is standard but might expose them to charges of negligence if they are wrong; if they do not believe the business is a going concern, they must prepare the accounts on a break-up basis; or they can express some doubts about the company's future, but still prepare the accounts on the going-concern basis.


Based on detailed interviews with Swift Boat veterans who served in Vietnam with John Kerry and on recently released FBI surveillance reports of John Kerry's anti-war activities, Unfit for Command is a shocking indictment of a politician who slandered his fellow veterans, danced on the edge of treason, and has shamelessly exaggerated his own war service for political ends.

评价○ 《不配指挥》是根据对在越南服役的快艇老兵的详细采访和美国联邦调查局最近刚刚公布的关于约翰·克里反战行为的报告而写成的,是对一个政治家的令人震惊地控诉:他诽谤并肩作战的战友;他周旋在叛国的边缘;他为了达到政治目的毫不羞耻的夸大自己的战功。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
