英语人>网络例句>接受 相关的搜索结果


与 接受 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She broke Mary's ties with Rome and restored her father's independent Church of England, i.e.


The hen's ASPUT was bilaterally innervated with the sympathetic nerve,although it was the unilateral organ.The ASPUT was also innervated with the intestinal nerve of Remak.There was no sympathetic preganglionic neurons with long axons distributing the ASPUT in Terni's column of the spinal cord.


Results: 362 patients were included in the study.187 from Fremantle Hospital and 175 from Royal Perth Hospital. 203 (55.3%) were male and 159 (44.7%) were female. 107 patients in Hospital A were treated with Pegasys and 80 with pegatron.

结果:362例患者入组研究。187例来自Fremantle医院,175例来自Royal Perth医院。203例(55.3%)为男性,159例(44.7%)为女性。107例患者在医院A接受派罗欣治疗,79例接受佩乐能治疗。

German researchers recruited 537 people in septic shock and randomly assigned them to receive either intensive insulin therapy or standard insulin therapy or a modified Ringer's lactate solution versus a pentastarch solution.


During the early period of post-trauma,lactated Ringer's solution was used as major fluid resuscitation,At the same time,proper volume of blood and colloid were injected.70 patients received operation and all were cared for in ICU.


Indeed, no sooner were there reports that the administration might accept co-ops as an alternative to the public option than G.O.P. leaders announced that co-ops, too, were unacceptable.


Through analysing the conditions, it can be known that there were different viewpoints on Gide in the two periods, and it's the result of being effected by double elements, the author's personality and the accepting environment.


Horizon of expectation is the most important concept of H.R.


Unlike the Bush, in the cities we were constantly being exposed to new ideas from O.S., and one of those was Socialism.


"I am first in line to offer organizational criticism, offer my apologies to the victims and have accepted responsibility for having missed an earlier opportunity to rescue Jaycee."


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In that case, Martin's death to the author Mo Bushi from real life, to deny Spencer, right?


According to the electrical diffraction of the conglomeration, the particles are A-zeolite crystals. In the surface of micro-crystal of A-zeolite, the cuboidal nano-crystal A-zeolite grows, so A-zeolite crystal steps can be observed with TEM.


Firstly, this paper analyzes the transmission style of diving machine in detail and selects hydrostatic transmission as transmission manner of Heavy Engineering Transporter.
